
A Really Strong Response? Haha, This Is Only A Church

The Romanesque Basilica of Saint Sernin in Toulouse, France, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was defaced in the night to April 17 with satanist and anti-religious graffiti.

Unknown felons sprayed on the basilica's outside columns with red paint slogans such as “The return of Satan,” “Servants of Satan” and “Don't forget your martyrs.”

Talking to LaDepeche.fr, Father Bogdan Velyanyk, the parish-priest, called this “gratuitous violence” and an “offence against the Christian faith,”and lamented a “total impunity” and an “absence of moral values and human respect.”

He called on state authorities to give a “really strong response” - which will not happen since Saint Sernin is neither mosque nor, much less, a synagogue. Saint-Sernin is the largest remaining Romanesque building in the world.


Suddenly... a mysterious fire appears. French officials are at a loss to explain it but immediately ruled out arson as a possibility.