
Pietro al timone, Dio nella barca

La testimonianza di san Josemaría e dei santi sull’amore per il Papa e la fiducia in Dio. 09/11/2021 È terminata per Gesù una giornata stancante. Sono venute ad ascoltarlo così tante persone che è …Altro
La testimonianza di san Josemaría e dei santi sull’amore per il Papa e la fiducia in Dio.
È terminata per Gesù una giornata stancante. Sono venute ad ascoltarlo così tante persone che è stato costretto a parlare dalla barca di uno dei discepoli. Ha raccontato diverse parabole: il seminatore, la lampada accesa, il granello di senape... Una volta congedata la folla, Gesù e i suoi si dirigono verso la riva orientale del lago di Tiberiade, probabilmente a bordo della medesima imbarcazione. Soffia una brezza leggera. Non è il momento migliore per riposare, ma Gesù trova a poppa un piccolo guanciale e si lascia vincere dal sonno. Ha piena fiducia nelle mani esperte dei suoi apostoli nell’attraversare il lago.
Poco tempo dopo il mare si scatena: un po’ per volta la brezza si trasforma in un vento forte e assistiamo al racconto di una nuova parabola, fatta questa volta non con parole, ma dal vivo e in diretta. I vangeli ci parlano di una grande tempesta che minaccia di fare affondare …Altro
Maria Di Girolamo
... when the Pharisees sent out a force to attack Me, usig every conceivable ploy, they were, at the same time, preaching in the temples the prophecies about the coming of the Messiah. While they jeered Me and tried to spread untruths about my Morality, they quoted from Holy Scripture. As the Pharisees persecuted Me - calling Me every kind of name, insulting to my Father - they continued to prepare …Altro
... when the Pharisees sent out a force to attack Me, usig every conceivable ploy, they were, at the same time, preaching in the temples the prophecies about the coming of the Messiah. While they jeered Me and tried to spread untruths about my Morality, they quoted from Holy Scripture. As the Pharisees persecuted Me - calling Me every kind of name, insulting to my Father - they continued to prepare God's people for the coming of the Messiah. Though I was Present amongst them, they refused to acknowledge Me, although they could not ignore Me, for I was filled with the Holy Spirit. When I arose from the dead, the Pharises were given proof of my Resurrection, baut chose, instead, to spread lies, so as to conceal the Truth. As a result of their actions, they drew millions of souls away from their rightful inheritance - the Gift of Eternal Salvation. In the time that I now prepare the world for my Second Coming, sacred servants in my Church on Earh will do the same. They will preach about the Great Day when I will come again, but will assume that this day will take place in another century. They will not prepare souls in the way that I desire. They will not urge my people to seek Reconciliation; to pray; to seek the Sacraments and to adhere, strinctly, to the written Word. Instead they will fall into the trap of separanting dogma from doctrine and will refuse to accept the Messages given to God's prophets. So blind are they when I speak to them now thrpugh the Book of Truth. So ignorant are those who say they lead the Way to my Kingdom when they truly do not know the correct path, which leads to it. They must read the Holy Beoble, study it and accept the contents contained within it, first, for how, otherwise, can they know Me? Like a thief in the night will I come and they will not be ready to greet Me, because they did not feel the need to prepare. Now, I stend before you, my sacred servants, and ask you to listen to Me. I ask that you believe in Who I Am, what I did to redeem man from sin and what it is that I must do now to complete my Father's Covenant. As the time approaches, signs will be given to you that my Day will be soon. I will do this so that you will awaken from your slumber and hear my Voice. I urge you to speak the Truth about sin; the Truth of the Holy Word of God and how it can never be tampered with, as well as the Truth about my Divinity. When these signs are given to you, I solemnly declare that the Holy Spirit will be poured down upon you and those of you who love Me, with simple obedience, will know, istantly, that I speak to you at this time. I will then fill you with my Love and you will see things as they really are, with a clarity of mind and an insight into what it is that is required of you to hel Me to accomplish my Plan to salvage the world and every single child of God. Listen. Prepare. Pray for my Strength; my Courage and never forget your duty to Me. Go in peace to love and serve Me, now and forever. Your Jesus (B. of T. Monday, Decembre 15, 2014 21:55 hours)
Ai tempi di San Escrivà il papa era a San Pietro, non al Mater Ecclesiae, in gabbia.
Se seguite così fedelmente il suo insegnamento dovreste ardere d'amore per papa Benedetto, il vero papa, e riconoscere senza indugi l'impostura dell'antipapa che occupa San Pietro.