Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Narcissus of Jerusalem
Holy Cannoli
The Pope speaking to Brazilian bishops:
Church leaders have a great duty to pronounce moral judgments on political issues, the Holy Father concluded.
This same message ought to be repeated to the American bishops, Canadian bishops, European bishops, British bishops, etc. etc. etc. Unfortunately, as we've seen over our history, stating the duty of bishops and actually witnessing those same …More

The Pope speaking to Brazilian bishops:

Church leaders have a great duty to pronounce moral judgments on political issues, the Holy Father concluded.

This same message ought to be repeated to the American bishops, Canadian bishops, European bishops, British bishops, etc. etc. etc. Unfortunately, as we've seen over our history, stating the duty of bishops and actually witnessing those same bishops faithfully carry out that duty are two entirely different things. Without sanctions for insubordination and Dereliction of Duty, the same pattern will continue. All Catholic bishops need to be singing from the same hymnal.


Good morning,