Pope Bergoglio Spouts the Annihilationist Heresy—Again

On Holy Thursday the world awoke to find that during his fifth interview with his friend Eugenio Scalfari, Italy’s most famous atheist, Pope …
Poor Francis, he is as blind as a can be.
adeste fideles
Sólo un Hereje puede ser promotor de la "doctrina" del Aniquilacionismo
Católicos Apostólicos
Paul Kramer: Three years ago Bergoglio was reported by Scalfari to have said that the souls of the damned are anihilated. Now Sclfari reports that Jorge has said it again. Bergoglio has NEVER DENIED IT. Bergoglio's silence is a clear gesture of CONSENT to being thus quoted. He is an OBSTINATE HERETIC. THREE YEARS AGO:
《The most recent interview, published March 15, [2015] is no exception. In it …More
Paul Kramer: Three years ago Bergoglio was reported by Scalfari to have said that the souls of the damned are anihilated. Now Sclfari reports that Jorge has said it again. Bergoglio has NEVER DENIED IT. Bergoglio's silence is a clear gesture of CONSENT to being thus quoted. He is an OBSTINATE HERETIC. THREE YEARS AGO:
《The most recent interview, published March 15, [2015] is no exception. In it Scalfari has the pope denying hell. The article says: “What happens to that lost soul? Will it be punished? And how? The response of Francis is distinct and clear: there is no punishment, but the annihilation of that soul. All the others will participate in the beatitude of living in the presence of the Father. The souls that are annihilated will not take part in that banquet; with the death of the body their journey is finished.”》…/quel_che_france…

🤨 Bergoglio Spouts the Annihilationist Heresy—Again…/hell-according-…
Hell ‘does not’ exist…sinful souls ‘disappear,’ Francis allegedly tells favorite interviewer
Católicos Apostólicos
Father Paul Kramer:
"Compare what he's quoted as saying now with what he was quoted as having said three years ago: “What happens to that lost soul? Will it be punished? And how? The response of Francis is distinct and clear: there is no punishment, but the annihilation of that soul. All the others will participate in the beatitude of living in the presence of the Father. The souls that are …More
Father Paul Kramer:
"Compare what he's quoted as saying now with what he was quoted as having said three years ago: “What happens to that lost soul? Will it be punished? And how? The response of Francis is distinct and clear: there is no punishment, but the annihilation of that soul. All the others will participate in the beatitude of living in the presence of the Father. The souls that are annihilated will not take part in that banquet; with the death of the body their journey is finished.” Jorge "Francis" Bergoglio has never denied having professed this heresy -- he is a MANIFEST HERETIC."
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Católicos Apostólicos
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