Empty Shelves, Severe Shortages And Widespread Crop Failures Are Ahead In The Fall Of 2021 Morale is plummeting all across the nation and the latest events are only making the overall mood of our …More
Empty Shelves, Severe Shortages And Widespread Crop Failures Are Ahead In The Fall Of 2021
Morale is plummeting all across the nation and the latest events are only making the overall mood of our society increasingly sour. Just as we thought it was finally ending, the health crisis is starting to become a major concern once again. At the same time, the Afghanistan crisis is probably the greatest embarrassment in modern American history, and it's making Biden's approval sink like a rock as it becomes clear that he is completely incompetent and extremely impulsive when it comes to making important decisions. And very soon Americans will be even more stressed out about the consequences of his reckless measures because as fall months approach, more shortages will emerge, and our store shelves are going to get significantly emptier, especially considering that supply chain problems are just one factor contributing to the lack of everyday products. It looks like we're also headed to a very …More
Is this a "formal" prediction from a fellow seer on GTV? Or just moar baseless scare-talk that has no real-world equivalence? Supermarket shelves are as well stocked as they always are. More importantly, so are the liquor stores. Has anyone else tried St. Brendan's? Oh Lord, thank you for this discovery. Tasty with a capital "T".. Better'n Baileys (for realz) like a third the price (no joke), and …More
Is this a "formal" prediction from a fellow seer on GTV? Or just moar baseless scare-talk that has no real-world equivalence? Supermarket shelves are as well stocked as they always are. More importantly, so are the liquor stores. Has anyone else tried St. Brendan's? Oh Lord, thank you for this discovery. Tasty with a capital "T".. Better'n Baileys (for realz) like a third the price (no joke), and best of all piously named after a real-deal Irish Catholic Saint.
Jeffrey Ade
The us is being Bolshevicked!