Francis' New Book Hails Islam as a 'Religion of Peace'

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Denis Efimov
Quote from this article:
" Emphasizing that holy orders, including the diaconate, are "reserved for men," Francis argues that, in theory, a woman could be a cardinal, since "the cardinalate is not connected to the sacrament of orders, but rather to the function of advisor to the pope."
If, however, women were to be made cardinals, "I could issue a decree that changes the requirements for entering …
Quote from this article:
" Emphasizing that holy orders, including the diaconate, are "reserved for men," Francis argues that, in theory, a woman could be a cardinal, since "the cardinalate is not connected to the sacrament of orders, but rather to the function of advisor to the pope."
If, however, women were to be made cardinals, "I could issue a decree that changes the requirements for entering the conclave and allows a bishop who is not a cardinal to participate," since only bishops can elect a pope.
Louis IX