Gloria.TV News on the 2nd of December 2015 Using Gloria.tv: In the header of Gloria.tv, to the right of the angel's head, is a flag. It allows to access other language sections each with a different …More
Gloria.TV News on the 2nd of December 2015
Using Gloria.tv: In the header of Gloria.tv, to the right of the angel's head, is a flag. It allows to access other language sections each with a different content. Users who are not registered find to the right the "Login" button. Become a register user. After that, the header shows seven more functions. The private messages hide behind the envelope. The bell informs about events concering users you follow. The heart allows to organize one’s follow-up environments. The clock shows your history on Gloria.tv. The gear allows to edit one’s own profile. The door leading to the “Logout”. On the right side is the blue button to upload your own media.
Unprecedented: Patrick Archbold has criticized Pope Francis for attacking Catholics –who believe in the “absolute truth”. Archbold: “For those who hoped against hope that the situation with the papacy isn't real, I'm sorry. I understand that you don't want this to be real. I feel the same way. This papacy …More
Maria a Corde Jesu
Todo esto no funciona en las aplicaciones móviles. Yo ya lo he dicho, pero nadie me hizo caso.
>>>Unprecedented: Patrick Archbold has criticized Pope Francis for attacking Catholics –who believe in the “absolute truth”...<<<
Quote of ´Francis´ and the US president (on the same way):>>> “Our world is increasingly a place of violent conflict, hatred and brutal atrocities, committed even in the name of God and of religion. We know that no religion is immune from forms of individual delusion …More
>>>Unprecedented: Patrick Archbold has criticized Pope Francis for attacking Catholics –who believe in the “absolute truth”...<<<

Quote of ´Francis´ and the US president (on the same way):>>> “Our world is increasingly a place of violent conflict, hatred and brutal atrocities, committed even in the name of God and of religion. We know that no religion is immune from forms of individual delusion or ideological extremism. This means that we must be especially attentive to every type of fundamentalism, whether religious or of any other kind. A delicate balance is required to combat violence perpetrated in the name of a religion, an ideology or an economic system, while also safeguarding religious freedom, intellectual freedom and individual freedoms.”<<<

In other words, they say that Christianity belongs to ideological groups of extremism and must be avoided from the label of fundamentalism.
We should in obedience to the UN Governments and their freemasonic human rights submit to an ecumenical project, an Catholicism that includes Christians and other religious or ideological groups.
We should also not require to possess the truth, because we are potential perpetrators of violence as islamic terrorists or other people in human history, as the participants of violent dictators and the Inquisition...
The current US president said it on the same way, only with examples.
I wonder why almost no one protested against this enormous lie, that Christian believers would apply violence in God's name...!?
The truth, that Jesus Christ brought, was also not acceptable for the Mohammedan, the Roman Impire, the Inquisition and the Freemasons in the past, who all persecuted the Christians.
The reason for this defamation of Christian believers is probably, that the Christian truth, especially the Law of God - is for all atheistic UN Governments today, and for their adherents - not acceptable, because they considered the high ethical and moral standard of God´s Law as unattainable.