I Want to Be in This Place. To be in the presence of Jesus brings peace to the heart, rest to our minds, and love to others.More
I Want to Be in This Place.
To be in the presence of Jesus brings peace to the heart, rest to our minds, and love to others.
Dear Jasmine,
May we dwell in the secret places of the most High God, overshadowed with His love and protection.
Your Sister in Christ,
Dear Jasmine,

May we dwell in the secret places of the most High God, overshadowed with His love and protection.
Your Sister in Christ,
Dear Linda,
Very powerful video message. Our Lord the Prince of Peace is almighty and nothing is impossible through Him. It is us who need to stay focus on Him as to build a relationship with Him in order to feel His presence.
God bless you.
Dear Linda,
Very powerful video message. Our Lord the Prince of Peace is almighty and nothing is impossible through Him. It is us who need to stay focus on Him as to build a relationship with Him in order to feel His presence.

God bless you.
