
Another Francis Favourite in Hot Water

Santiago Auxiliary Bishop Cristián Roncagliolo, 52, Chile, has announced that he has left for Spain on May 5 to begin a recovery for a few months.

Roncagliolo has been the vicar general of the anti-Catholic Cardinal Aós, 77. A priest told LaTercera.com (May 12) that he accompanied a female complainant in 2019 who filed accusations against Roncagliolo and other priests for “acts of a sexual nature.” Roncagliolo denied that these alleged events have occurred. In 2020, another complaint was received. Both complains were likely false.

A few years ago, Roncagliolo suffered from cancer. In his announced he said he was undergoing a "spiritual, psychological and physical healing" and that he has been suffering from “an increasing lability of character, insomnia, loss of memory and decay.” In February 2022 symptoms of burnout appeared.

In May 2007, Roncagliolo participated at the Fifth Episcopal Conference of Latin America in Aparecida where he worked closely with Cardinal Bergoglio who took a prominent role at the conference.


Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
How much longer does the Catholic Church have to put up with Bergoglio? I wish he had more than just his knee..
Het kwade, de Duivel, wordt gestraft. Het Goede, God, wint altijd. Maar de meeste mensen op deze wereld denken nog steeds dat het Kwade, de Duivel, kan winnen. Let maar op hoe de politieke voorstanders en uitvoerders van abortus worden gestraft.