News on the 14th of September. Maté: Yesterday, during the General Audience in Saint Peter's Square, after leaving the popemobile and before walking up to his central position, Pope Francis made a stop …More
News on the 14th of September.

Maté: Yesterday, during the General Audience in Saint Peter's Square, after leaving the popemobile and before walking up to his central position, Pope Francis made a stop in order to consume maté, a traditional South American caffeine-rich infused drink which is served with a metal straw from a shared hollow calabash gourd.

Pagan Catholic Church: In a recent survey of the Bishops' Conference, 51 U.S. dioceses answered the question, whether Native people within their boundaries use their symbols in the liturgy in the affirmative. The dioceses described pagan rituals that have been incorporated into the liturgy like blessings with cedar, sage, sweetgrass, tobacco or eagle feathers, Indian naming ceremonies in conjunction with Baptism, four-directional prayers, medicine wheels or sacred pipes.

Faith In Climate Change: In the plane returning from Colombia, Pope Francis stated forcefully his faith in climate change during an encounter with journalists. Quote, "Ask climate scholars and you will see that they say that the warming of the planet is to blame on men. Men are stupid." The Italian Vaticanista Aldo Maria Valli went on and asked 17 scholars. His conclusion, "As hard as one may try, one does not find two scholar who agree with each other." Valli concludes, "I do not know to which scientists Francis is referring."

Daily Mass: Salesian Father Tom Uzhunnalil, who was kidnapped in Yemen 19 months ago by Islamic militants, has arrived met Pope Francis after his liberation. He told L'Osservatore Romano that he was not able to say Mass in captivity, but - quote - "every day I repeated in my heart all the words of the celebration of Mass."
Padre, perdónalos porque no saben lo que dicen
Unpresentable this woman.