Cardinal Burke: Catholics have Our Lady of Guadalupe as mother, ‘not Pachamama’ | News

LA CROSSE, Wisconsin, December 13, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – An American cardinal has condemned the “idolatry” of …
At the next conclave, I foresee, after the 34th ballot there is Tagle and Burke. Now Tagle will win, because the Burke section will loose the right to vote one by one, because of advanced age. Also the members of the Burke section will die off quicker whilst they are much older. Then slowly 2/3 of the electors will be the remaining youngsters installed by JMB. Even so the Burke section can delay …More
At the next conclave, I foresee, after the 34th ballot there is Tagle and Burke. Now Tagle will win, because the Burke section will loose the right to vote one by one, because of advanced age. Also the members of the Burke section will die off quicker whilst they are much older. Then slowly 2/3 of the electors will be the remaining youngsters installed by JMB. Even so the Burke section can delay the election of Tagle for about 6 years or so. Or maybe even Burke dies during that great void.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
How can a Cardinal condemn the idolatry and never mentioni who was present at the Act, who invited the Act, who sponsored the Act and who presided over the ACT? Bergoglio! This is shameless.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
If your "pope" is an idolater, you might want to read what happened to the false prophets of Israel, when they would not detach themselves from the idolatry of the high places. They all went down to destruction. BY THE WAY, as Scripture teaches us, IDOLATRY was the punishment for the Northern Kingdom which broke away IN SCHISM AND HERESY from the KINGDOM OF DAVID. Idolatry never was practiced in …More
If your "pope" is an idolater, you might want to read what happened to the false prophets of Israel, when they would not detach themselves from the idolatry of the high places. They all went down to destruction. BY THE WAY, as Scripture teaches us, IDOLATRY was the punishment for the Northern Kingdom which broke away IN SCHISM AND HERESY from the KINGDOM OF DAVID. Idolatry never was practiced in Judah. The only conclusion one can draw which is SCRIPTURAL is that the communion to partake of with Bergoglio has put you in SCHISM, HERESY AND APOSTASY from the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, and HIS TRUE vicar POPE BENEDICT!
la verdad prevalece
Nosotros los católicos tenemos a Maria por Madre Bergoglio y su secta apostata a la Pachamama