De Profundis
Francis mentions hell but "hell here on earth"

Pope's Message for Lent 2020 - ZENIT

Below is the Vatican-provided full text of the Pope’s Message: *** “We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God” (2 Cor 5:20) Dear Brothers and Sisters, …
@Gunman123 ...because Pope Francis is quoting an encyclical written by Benedict XVI who was Pope when it was written. Same reason people refer to Pope Piux XII even though he hasn't been Pope since 1958 or Saint John XXIII or John Paul II. None of those guys are Pope anymore either, but the term is still used.
Same thing happens with retired military members... General So and So (ret.) Technically …More
@Gunman123 ...because Pope Francis is quoting an encyclical written by Benedict XVI who was Pope when it was written. Same reason people refer to Pope Piux XII even though he hasn't been Pope since 1958 or Saint John XXIII or John Paul II. None of those guys are Pope anymore either, but the term is still used.

Same thing happens with retired military members... General So and So (ret.) Technically, since So and So retired, he's not a general anymore, but people acknowledge the rank he earned as a measure of respect.
thus, in the expression of Pope Benedict XVI, “turning of God against himself” (Deus Caritas Est, 12). For God also loves his enemies, if pope Benedict XVI is no longer the pope why does pope Francis refer to him as pope in his lent massage 2020.
Wow... he almost got halfway through before lapsing into his Marxist nonsense. blah-blah... "environmental disasters, the unequal distribution of the earth’s goods,". .This one is funny: "the unbridled thirst for profit, which is a form of idolatry."
...said the man who practiced idolatry in the literal meaning of the word.More
Wow... he almost got halfway through before lapsing into his Marxist nonsense. blah-blah... "environmental disasters, the unequal distribution of the earth’s goods,". .This one is funny: "the unbridled thirst for profit, which is a form of idolatry."

...said the man who practiced idolatry in the literal meaning of the word.