Francis Produces Chaos in Mar de Plata

Mar de Plata is a city in Argentina, 400 km south of Buenos Aires. Since Francis took over in the Vatican, the local diocese (770,000 Catholics; 51 priests) has had a hard time.

The last decent bishop of Mar de Plata was Monsignor Antonio Marino, 81. He was a good scholar and a dedicated pastor. So Francis removed him four months after he reached retirement age in 2017.

Monsignor Marini was replaced by Gabriel Mestre. He was 48 years old at the time and had made a name for himself in Mar de Plata as a bare-breasted promoter of tourism and heresy, and as a persecutor of Catholics and, of course, a promoter of homosexuality.

As a result, after less than six years, Bergoglio promoted Mestre and in July 2023 made him "Archbishop" of La Plata (900.00 Catholics; 120 priests).

In Mar de Plata, Mestre was replaced by the mediocre and anti-Catholic José María Baliña, 65, auxiliary bishop of Buenos Aires, who didn't last long. He was appointed on 31 November 2023 and resigned on 13 December 2023, allegedly because of problems with his retina.

Francis then quickly took the auxiliary bishop of San Juan de Cuyo, Gustavo Larrazábal, 62, who had been a bishop for less than two years, and promoted him to Mar del Plata. Larrazábal's main merit is that he is a personal friend of Francis, who contacts him by telephone.

Larrazábal is due to be installed as bishop of Mar del Plata on 20 January.

But in the meantime, Argentine media activists paid by the oligarchs reported that complaints had been filed against Larrazábal for alleged harassment and abuse of power, registered in Buenos Aires between 2007 and 2013.

The complainant was a 56-year-old woman from Mar del Plata who currently lives in Buenos Aires and works in an organisation "very close to the Church" - apparently the Editorial Claretiana in Buenos Aires, of which Larrazábal was director from 1997 to 2013.

Following the accusations, Larrazábal was transferred to Mendoza, the province where he was born in 1961.

The nunciature in Buenos Aires was quick to describe the accusations against Larrazábal as "unfounded rumours". After all, Larrazábal is a friend of Francis...

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