Saint Toribio Romo Gonzalez - 25 February. Ordained at age 21; he had to receive special dispensation from the Vatican to be ordained so young. Parish priest in Tequila, Jalisco, archdiocese of More
Saint Toribio Romo Gonzalez - 25 February.

Ordained at age 21; he had to receive special dispensation from the Vatican to be ordained so young. Parish priest in Tequila, Jalisco, archdiocese of Guadalajara, Mexico. Parish priest in Agua Caliente, Mexico. Known for a great devotion to the Eucharist. Murdered during the Mexican Revolution for being a priest. One of the Martyrs of the Cristero Wars.


16 April 1900 in Santa Ana de Guadalupe, Jalostotitlán parish, San Juan de los Lagos diocese, Jalisco, Mexico


shot in the back around 5am on Saturday 25 February 1928 in his rectory in Agua Caliente, Jalisco, Mexico
relics in the Santa Ana de Guadalupe Church, Jalisco


7 March 1992 by Pope John Paul II (decree of martyrdom)


22 November 1992 by Pope John Paul II


Sunday 21 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II


danke für diesen beitrag und Papa Francisco gute Besserung!
✍️ Papst Franziskus ist krank: www.aciprensa.com/…/el-papa-francis…
✍️ Kongress zum Lehrschreiben von Papst Benedikt über die Liebe_
4 more comments from Irapuato
✍️ A Saint Who Guides Migrants to a Promised Land
NAViCULUM 🤗 ✍️ On Friday, February 24, 1928, he spent his day organizing the parish registry. Two days before he had sent his brother away for safety. Fr. Toribio finished his work at 4:00am on February 25 and decided to sleep a little. An hour later the government troops arrived and broke into the bedroom where Fr. Toribio was sleeping. One soldier shouted: "Here is the priest, kill him!" He said …More
NAViCULUM 🤗 ✍️ On Friday, February 24, 1928, he spent his day organizing the parish registry. Two days before he had sent his brother away for safety. Fr. Toribio finished his work at 4:00am on February 25 and decided to sleep a little. An hour later the government troops arrived and broke into the bedroom where Fr. Toribio was sleeping. One soldier shouted: "Here is the priest, kill him!" He said, "Here I am, but do not kill me."
One soldier fired, and Fr. Toribio rose from his bed and took a few steps until a second bullet caused him to fall into the arms of his sister, who cried in a loud voice: "Courage, Father Toribio...merciful Christ, receive him! Long live Christ the King!"
✍️ "Lord, do not leave me nor permit a day of my life pass without my saying the Mass, without receiving your embrace in communion. – prayer of Saint Toribio"
< catholicsaints.info/saint-toribio-romo-gonzalez/>