Argentine priest Rodrigo Vázquez: Tucho and García Cuerva are left-wing anti-Catholic homosexuals Bergoglio and his accomplices Jorge García Cuerva and Fernández defy God's laws and the Church The …Más
Argentine priest Rodrigo Vázquez: Tucho and García Cuerva are left-wing anti-Catholic homosexuals
Bergoglio and his accomplices Jorge García Cuerva and Fernández defy God's laws and the Church
The Argentine priest Rodrigo Vázquez, from the diocese of San Nicolás, was a seminary companion of Jorge García Cuerva, who was ordained two years before him. In this leaked audio from Argentine priest Rodrigo Vázquez, he mentioned that Jorge García Cuerva and Víctor Manuel Fernández are left-wing anti-Catholics who defy the Laws of God and contradict the teachings of the Church.
Note: The voice machine translation generator AI, misheard some sentences, so they were mistranslated. That's why I'm attaching the original transcript of the audio in the description.
Bergoglio y sus cómplices Jorge García Cuerva y Fernández desafían las leyes de Dios y a la Iglesia
Buenos días a Todos queridísimos amigos, camaradas de este grupo tan distinguido.
Bueno soy de escribir ni hablar mucho, pero …Más
Fue un valiente testimonio que dio el padre Rodrigo Vásquez, que luego, fue sancionado .