Sodoma Supplicans: An Argentinian Archbishop Rebukes Two Italian Cardinals

Argentinean Archbishop Héctor Aguer has criticised two Cardinals, Zuppi and Bertori, who have expressed their support for Francis' homosexual propaganda contained in the document "Sodoma Supplicans".

Cardinal Matteo Zuppi endorsed the document in the name of what he called "mercy". He is known for his weakness for the homosexual underworld.

On (2 February), Aguer doesn't find "mercy" in Sodoma Supplicans, but "contradiction": "Even the example Fernández gives of the 'blessing' extends it to the 'mutual help' [an essential feature of Christian marriage] that the members of the couple give each other, in other words, homosexual unions are approved."

Cardinal Giuseppe Betori of Florence claimed that "God's love has no limits and His work is to overcome the difficult situations in which man finds himself". Bertori thus laid the foundation for the blessing of Nazis and Mafiosi.

Monsignor Aguer replied that the limitlessness of divine love is the reason why he can bless a homosexual person to call him to live in chastity, "but he cannot bless the permanent union of a homosexual with another of the same type, which is to continue in sin".

Picture: Bertori, Zuppi © wikicommons CC BY-NC-SA, #newsMcvxwcvuhg

De kardinalen, Zuppi en Bertori, geloven niet in God, daarom zeggen ze datgene wat God niet wil. Deze twee kardinalen kunnen op de lijst van kardinalen die, zonder wachtgeld, ontslagen moeten worden en teruggezet moeten worden in de lekenstand.