
Semi-Official Vatican Oulet Accuses Vatican News Chief of Manipulation

The semi-official Vatican outlet Il Sismografo (March 28) pointed out that the editor in chief of Vatican News, German Jesuit Father Bernd Hagenkord, manipulated his "Facebook postings". In reality,…More
The semi-official Vatican outlet Il Sismografo (March 28) pointed out that the editor in chief of Vatican News, German Jesuit Father Bernd Hagenkord, manipulated his "Facebook postings".
In reality, Hagenkord manipulated a March 22 comment which he wrote among other user comments on his personal blog blog.radiovatikan.de.
Hagenkord stated that the partial publication of Benedict XVI’s private letter to the now removed prefect of the Vatican Secretariat for Communication, Monsignor Dario Viganò, was agreed on.
Some days later, Hagenkord quietly deleted the phrase which means that it must have been wrong.
Hagenkord needs to clarify this matter as it was widely reported in the whole world.