
Priest Preforms Palm Sunday Dance

The Italian Journalist Marco Tosatti published on March 27 a video of a Brazilian priest dancing on Palm Sunday during Mass.

Tosatti received the video from a friend and does not indicate the place where the show took place.

During Palm Sunday Mass the Gospel account of the Passion of Christ is read.


I'm so tired of these clerical clowns.
Incredible and beyond belief!! Whether of not that is a "red cloak " or just the fluorescent lighting - here goes....
From Marie Julie Jahenny - June 3, 1880

During the ecstasy of the 3rd of June 1880, Our Lord describes how Lucifer will proceed, He will address priests: You will dress in a large red cloak. We will give you a piece of bread and a few drops of water. You can do with it everything …More
Incredible and beyond belief!! Whether of not that is a "red cloak " or just the fluorescent lighting - here goes....

From Marie Julie Jahenny - June 3, 1880

During the ecstasy of the 3rd of June 1880, Our Lord describes how Lucifer will proceed, He will address priests: You will dress in a large red cloak. We will give you a piece of bread and a few drops of water. You can do with it everything that you did when you belonged to Christ.

And hell had added: We will permit you to say it in all houses and even under the firmament.

Marie-Julie said, “I see for a time long enough, every Holy Sacrifice will be prohibited. Churches will be turned to a shelter for cattle; they will be used as pleasure halls, where Hell will come for dancing with blasphemies as their singing.”

“My Children, says the Lord, Let nothing surprise you. No remains whatsoever will be left of the Holy Sacrifice, no apparent trace of faith.”

Marie-Julie Jahenny wrote: “Confusion will prevail everywhere. People will be dispersed around, like mad from pan and murder. Things will be in a worse condition than any period of the past saw that there will not remain any vestige of the Holy Sacrifice, no apparent trace of faith.
Many will still retain their faith, but it will not be strong enough to remain steadfast, when they will be seeing what nobody can imagine.”

Read the rest here......

www.communityofhopeinc.org/…/marie julie.html


Espanol www.corazonessagrados.com/…/Marie-Julie.pdf
Hey everyone, look at me! Forget about Christ, look at me!!
Holy Cannoli
Dance? More like cheerleader tryouts. This is dance.
Católicos Apostólicos
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