It’s easy to imagine that Francis doesn’t like Orban. Francis believes Europe should throw open its doors to Third World immigrants; Orban believes that would be the death of Europe. The Catholic journalist John L. Allen Jr. has written that the plight of migrants is the cornerstone of Francis’s papacy. Francis has refused to meet with leading Italian politician Matteo Salvini in protest of …More
It’s easy to imagine that Francis doesn’t like Orban. Francis believes Europe should throw open its doors to Third World immigrants; Orban believes that would be the death of Europe. The Catholic journalist John L. Allen Jr. has written that the plight of migrants is the cornerstone of Francis’s papacy. Francis has refused to meet with leading Italian politician Matteo Salvini in protest of Salvini’s anti-immigration views and policies.
This is clearly why Francis refuses to meet with Orban.

If I were Orban (a Calvinist, though his wife and kids are Catholic), I would wear that as a badge of honor. You can make a case that his policies have done more to protect Europe’s Christianity than the pontiff’s. Hear me out.

Orban Protects Euro Christianity Better Than Pope | The American Conservative

In scathing 2018 address to European Parliament, Hungarian PM Viktor Orban declares, 'Hungary will not be a country of migrants.' (…
De Profundis
Sound familiar? "Cultural genocide involves the eradication and destruction of cultural artifacts, such as books, artworks, and structures, as well as the suppression of cultural activities that do not conform to the destroyer's notion of what is appropriate."
"Francis believes Europe should throw open its doors to Third World immigrants" Corroborated by his views on the Church posted today.