With Friends Like These...

With Friends Like These.... What is the key difference between the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) and the SSPX? The LCWR is in “full communion” and holds a canonical status while the …More
With Friends Like These....
What is the key difference between the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) and the SSPX? The LCWR is in “full communion” and holds a canonical status while the SSPX does not. This despite the fact that the SSPX holds fast to everything the Roman Catholic Church has taught and practiced for 2,000 years while, according to the National Catholic Register, the LCWR holds “‘radical feminist themes incompatible with the Catholic faith’ and dissent from Church teaching on topics including the sacramental male priesthood and homosexuality.” So what gives, NCR?
...it is apparently important to remind Catholic readers, frequently lest they forget, of the only tidbit of information they need to know about the Society; namely that they “hold no canonical status in the Church.” Of course the Protestants and the Orthodox aren’t even members of the Church, yet we never see a reminder stapled to the end of their comments in Catholic media. Can you imagine a …More
The SSPX is how the Church USE to be .. without habitless 'nuns', collarless 'priests', pro-homosexuals, communion in the hand, lay distributors, prancing around our altars and in our schools. Benedict XVI has always wanted the SSPX in "union", but the enemy is so close at all times. Thank the SSPX for keeping the traditional Latin Mass alive! 👍
On Guard
And because the SSPX is the ONLY group who has truly, and Faithfully, followed the Catholic Church since Jesus Christ, it is therefore the TRUE CATHOLIC CHURCH!!!!
Let it be known that the demise of vocations, spirituality, true Worship, and so very much more, started with the onset of Vatican II. It was because of that that the organization of SSPX was founded. Someone HAD TO KEEP THE FAITH.More
And because the SSPX is the ONLY group who has truly, and Faithfully, followed the Catholic Church since Jesus Christ, it is therefore the TRUE CATHOLIC CHURCH!!!!

Let it be known that the demise of vocations, spirituality, true Worship, and so very much more, started with the onset of Vatican II. It was because of that that the organization of SSPX was founded. Someone HAD TO KEEP THE FAITH.