Scandal response-President, Franciscan University of Steubenville (Ohio) Remarks in response from Dr. Scott Hahn: I am very thankful to Fr. Sean Sheridan, TOR, the President of Franciscan University …More
Scandal response-President, Franciscan University of Steubenville (Ohio)

Remarks in response from Dr. Scott Hahn:

I am very thankful to Fr. Sean Sheridan, TOR, the President of Franciscan University of Steubenville for his heartfelt response — a strongly worded and clear message — to address an unfortunate situation that emerged this week. Please read it and then share it with whoever asks if our university is still wholeheartedly committed to being “academically excellent and passionately Catholic”.

P.S. Please note that Fr. Sean apologizes, first and foremost, to Our Lady and to Christ for the blasphemy and scandal involved in this book and its use in the classroom. He also pledges that this text will never be used here again and that our Faculty Standards Committee will craft standards to prevent anything like this from ever happening again.
Darn skippy, matt. The letter is a disgrace. The university has disgraced itself immeasurably. Why is that dirt professor who assigned this filthy treatment of our Blessed Mother still on campus? That tells you everything you need to know.
My daughter has two degrees from that university and my blood has been boiling for days now. To all parents: KEEP YOUR KIDS AWAY FROM FRANCISCAN UNIVERSITY AT …More
Darn skippy, matt. The letter is a disgrace. The university has disgraced itself immeasurably. Why is that dirt professor who assigned this filthy treatment of our Blessed Mother still on campus? That tells you everything you need to know.

My daughter has two degrees from that university and my blood has been boiling for days now. To all parents: KEEP YOUR KIDS AWAY FROM FRANCISCAN UNIVERSITY AT STEUBENVILLE.
Gesù è con noi
The Virgin Mary at the appearance of good success announced that a campaign to corrupt our young people would be successful and the Virgin also announced in the Salette this corruption of Youth and that "Bad books will abound over the earth, and the spirits of darkness will everywhere spread universal relaxation in everything concerning God's service "
If this professor and director of the English …More
The Virgin Mary at the appearance of good success announced that a campaign to corrupt our young people would be successful and the Virgin also announced in the Salette this corruption of Youth and that "Bad books will abound over the earth, and the spirits of darkness will everywhere spread universal relaxation in everything concerning God's service "
If this professor and director of the English department, Stephen Lewis, gave spiritual poison to his students, this professor is not concerned with the soul of his students but with corrupting them. We can not tolerate more liberal infiltrators in our classrooms. that are corrupting our Catholic youth, especially in a Catholic university that we consider faithful to the teachings of the Church. At least he should lose the presidency of the department of English for his incompetence. It would be better that he look for job in a secular university and work for the world instead of betraying the trust of parents who place
our young Catholics in a university that claims to defend our moral principles.

'Conservative' Steubenville Is Becoming Liberal Notre Dame.
Stuff the sorrys in a bag. That man has no business teaching anywhere. He should be fired.