
Rupnik Case: Vatican Covers Its Tracks with Lies

Father Marko Rupnik will face a canonical trial over allegations of sexual and spiritual abuse of consecrated women, the Vatican announced on Friday. The Vatican’s press office claimed/lied that the …More
Father Marko Rupnik will face a canonical trial over allegations of sexual and spiritual abuse of consecrated women, the Vatican announced on Friday.
The Vatican’s press office claimed/lied that the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors (PCPM) had only allerted Francis in September to "serious problems" in the handling of Rupnik's case. Rupnik has never been accused of abusing minors.
Ed Condon on PillarCatholic.com (October 27) says what everyone knows, “I don’t think there's much room for reasonable doubt that it wasn’t the PCPM’s representations to Francis last month that convinced him, but rather the instant, international outrage which greeted the news Wednesday that Rupnik was back in ministry.”
Francis has a pattern of protecting an astonishing number of (homo)sexual abusers/allies until he’s forced to act, at which point the Vatican often takes refuge in lies. It can be assumed that the Vatican will drag out the Rupnik trial.
These men need to be put in prison for crimes against humanity.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I hope all faithful Catholics, and even just Catholics in general, including those in the Koper diocese realize that this is all just a bunch of B.S.+ from the Vatican of Pope Francis, all in an attempt to save is reputation. Too late!!! Millions of faithful Catholics hate him, and his appointees.....mostly all a bunch of queers.
After this (and all his other heretical scandals and statements), …More
I hope all faithful Catholics, and even just Catholics in general, including those in the Koper diocese realize that this is all just a bunch of B.S.+ from the Vatican of Pope Francis, all in an attempt to save is reputation. Too late!!! Millions of faithful Catholics hate him, and his appointees.....mostly all a bunch of queers.
After this (and all his other heretical scandals and statements), anyone here or anywhere who still refers to him as "Holy Father Francis" or "Supreme Pontiff"🤮, seriously needs to go to a psychiatrist for evaluation/de-programming. And there are 1-2 on this site that still rally to Francis defense....which is sickening.
He is Poop Francis a.k.a. Jorge Maria Bergoglio-Zanchetta-Rupnik.
English Catholic
Quelle Surprise . . . of course, it will be the standard whitewash. Even if he is found guilty, under the Francis regime, he'll no doubt be retired to some luxury residence with even more women at his disposal.