Live Mike
NEW DETAILS on THIRD SECRET at 36:50 "there will soon be a movement in the Church that will by stages seek to abolish the celebration of the Mass, and that a day will come when the valid celebration …More
NEW DETAILS on THIRD SECRET at 36:50 "there will soon be a movement in the Church that will by stages seek to abolish the celebration of the Mass, and that a day will come when the valid celebration of the Mass will be abolished." "It will be very difficult for people to find a valid Mass, and as a result of the loss of the graces that are received through the celebration of the Mass - catastrophic events would take place; chastisements of the world." - Fr. Lawrence Emmett Hughes, Thanksgiving Day, 28 November 1957 | The Glazov Gang with Jamie Glazov interviews Fr. Paul Kramer, recorded 24 March 2022, published 27 March 2022 Jamie Glazov Productions
Public domain
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis shares this
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
Thought for the Day from Archbishop Lefebvre:
We must love our neighbor in order to bring him to God, and therefore any effort that we make apart from the path that leads him to God is not good. We should distrust any love of neighbor that does not lead him to God: it is not inspired by God.More
Thought for the Day from Archbishop Lefebvre:

We must love our neighbor in order to bring him to God, and therefore any effort that we make apart from the path that leads him to God is not good. We should distrust any love of neighbor that does not lead him to God: it is not inspired by God.
Servant Of Divine Mercy
I, my loved ones and a few other Catholics in the Archdiocese in Melbourne have already organised Mass at our homes for when the time arrives to attend a valid Catholic Mass when global communism will make it dangerously difficult to practice our Catholic and Apostolic Faith and we believe that the Catholic unvaccinated priest we have in mind will have the courage to celebrate Mass for us; it will …More
I, my loved ones and a few other Catholics in the Archdiocese in Melbourne have already organised Mass at our homes for when the time arrives to attend a valid Catholic Mass when global communism will make it dangerously difficult to practice our Catholic and Apostolic Faith and we believe that the Catholic unvaccinated priest we have in mind will have the courage to celebrate Mass for us; it will probably be at my remote 7 hectare isolated property in the mountains. We all haven't taken the death vax which also has an operating (GPS type) surveillance system injected to those who took the death and transhuman shots (Moderna is one of the operating platform tracking systems in those who have taken the jabs but I'm not sure if the other lethal and immoral vaccines organisations inject the same).
Live Mike
How many times will this fraud need to be debunked?!
@Paul Ryan @DrMaria
First, the date is completely wrong.
In Portugal and most of Europe the date format is written DAY MONTH YEAR or YEAR MONTH DAY.
Only in the USA would the month precede the day... how strange that someone from Ireland wouldn't recognize this immediately.
1/4/944 or 1 April 944 is 3 months late.
"9 January 1944: Sister Lucy …More
How many times will this fraud need to be debunked?!
@Paul Ryan @DrMaria

First, the date is completely wrong.
In Portugal and most of Europe the date format is written DAY MONTH YEAR or YEAR MONTH DAY.
Only in the USA would the month precede the day... how strange that someone from Ireland wouldn't recognize this immediately.
1/4/944 or 1 April 944 is 3 months late.

"9 January 1944: Sister Lucy commits two related texts of the Third Secret to paper by this date. One text, spanning 62 lines on four pages of notebook paper, presents the vision the Vatican will publish in 2000. The other, comprising 25 lines on a single page, as attested by Bishop Dom João Venancio, and much later by Cardinal Ottaviani, has yet to be revealed. The Secret in toto is contained in two sealed envelopes of differing dimensions, on each of which Sister Lucia writes: “By express order of Our Lady, this envelope can only be opened in 1960 by the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon or the Bishop of Leiria.”" - Source: The Complete Fatima Timeline

Sister Lucy wrote to Bishop da Silva on 9 January 1944: “I have written what you asked me; God willed to try me a little, but finally, this was indeed His will: it [the Secret] is sealed in an envelope and it is in the notebooks...” - Joaquin Alonso, Fátima 50, October 13, 1967, p. 11; quoted in WTAF, Vol. III, pp. 46-47. fatima.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Secret-Still-Hidden.pdf

Fr. Paul Kramer would give you many more reasons why this is a fake. Perhaps you should ask him @Paul Ryan but it might cost you some money to fly there. You do that and afterwards give us a recorded meeting & full report. Thanking you in advance.

Bruceph Mildur
around 49:48. Glazov: "Everybody's gonna hold hands, ..., that stuff, right?" Fr. Kramer agrees. But there's more. Everybody's to be 'enslaved' into doing the good. The catch is in the details. What is the good?Who's doing the good? Who's receiving the benefit of that work? Who decides who is to receive and who is to give, how much to receive, how much to give? Religion is to become doing good …More
around 49:48. Glazov: "Everybody's gonna hold hands, ..., that stuff, right?" Fr. Kramer agrees. But there's more. Everybody's to be 'enslaved' into doing the good. The catch is in the details. What is the good?Who's doing the good? Who's receiving the benefit of that work? Who decides who is to receive and who is to give, how much to receive, how much to give? Religion is to become doing good works, and the recipients of those works are the ones to be worshiped. God becomes the ones directing the work program.
So glad you posted this for all the world to see!! I had seen it earlier - thank you for putting this on Gloria TV.
Live Mike
Thank you @DrMaria Thanks be to God and Our Lady
Jeffrey Ade
I have pointed out in an earlier post "Res Sacramenti" the destruction of the "Mass" in English. Couldn't have happened by accident! "When there are no more validly ordained priests they will free the Mass!" Fr. Carl Pulvermacher.
J G Tasan
Looking forward to October 2022...?! 🥺 🤔
October 2019 was the enthronement of Pachamama at St. Peter's Basilica; March 2020 was chaotic - until now; March 2022 - the Pre-WWWIII?! (God forbid!) and that infamous faux consecration made to IHM... 🥴
And, of course!, it's all about money!, money!, money! 🤑🤑🤑 and power grabbing...More
Looking forward to October 2022...?! 🥺 🤔

October 2019 was the enthronement of Pachamama at St. Peter's Basilica; March 2020 was chaotic - until now; March 2022 - the Pre-WWWIII?! (God forbid!) and that infamous faux consecration made to IHM... 🥴

And, of course!, it's all about money!, money!, money! 🤑🤑🤑 and power grabbing...
David Allen White shares this
Live Mike

Q. Do you remember what the Blessed Mother said about the communist tribulation that is to precede the Warning?
A. It would look like the communists would have taken over the whole world and it would be very hard to practise the religion, for priests to say Mass or for people to open the doors of the churches.
Q. Is …

Q. Do you remember what the Blessed Mother said about the communist tribulation that is to precede the Warning?
A. It would look like the communists would have taken over the whole world and it would be very hard to practise the religion, for priests to say Mass or for people to open the doors of the churches.

Q. Is that what you meant when you said that it would seem as though the Church had disappeared?
A. Yes.

Q. It would be because of the persecution and not because the people would stop practising their religion?
A. Yes, but I guess a lot of people will stop. Whoever practises it will have to go into hiding.

Q. Will this only be in Europe or do you think it will be here in the United States as well?
A. I don't know because for me at that time, Europe was the whole world. I just assumed it was that way. The Blessed Mother didn't specify in what place. To me it looked like it was everywhere.

Q. Approximately 67% of the earth s land is now dominated by communism. Do you think that's sufficient to fulfil Our Lady s prophecy?
A. I really don't know. It sounded to me like it would be more than that.

Q. In other words you think it will be worse than it is now?
A. That's what I thought from what she said but I really don't know exactly. To me it looked like it was every place out there, the places I saw in my mind. In a lot of countries in Europe you can still practise your religion.

Q. So, the situation in the world is not bad enough for the Warning to happen?
A. The Warning is not going to happen yet so it's probably going to get worse.

Q. You said that it would be very difficult for priests to say Mass. Was this something that the Blessed Mother told you or was it something that you thought yourself because of the communist tribulation?
A. From what I remember, it was something she said.

Q. And the Virgin said that it would seem as though the Church had disappeared?
A. Yes.

Q. Did the Blessed Mother ever say anything about the Holy Father having to leave Rome at the time of the Warning?
A. No, but what it looked like to me — maybe at this time I was confusing in my mind what I was seeing and what the Blessed Mother was saying to me because it's been so many years — but what it looked like to me was that the Pope couldn't be in Rome either, you know what I mean, out in the open. He was being persecuted, too, and had to hide just like everybody else.

Q. Will people be fighting with one another when the Warning comes?
A. (no answer)
Agatha James
Thank you for posting this interview. I never listened to Father Kramer before. He is very educated. I am glad to hear him giving due credit to Dr. Chowjosky.
Agatha James
You can watch RT on Gab.
Edwin F Young
More videos in info from Dr. Chojnowski here- sisterlucyfilm.com