The Pope and Abortion in Brazil

Photo ~ Pope Francis and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff Brazilian president is about to enact pro-abortion law, and the pope does not know about it A bill protecting victims of sexual violence …More
Photo ~ Pope Francis and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff
Brazilian president is about to enact pro-abortion law, and the pope does not know about it
A bill protecting victims of sexual violence was passed by stealth in the Brazilian Congress recently. There is no problem in laws protecting such victims. But pro-abortion groups praised it because it will effectively legalize abortion in Brazil. It will enforce another law that says that to get an abortion is enough for a woman to say that she was a victim of rape. There is no need of medical and legal evidence. Any woman can get an abortion by alleging violence.
Just one word from Pope Francis asking Rousseff not to enact the abortion law would be more than enough for her to comply with his wishes. His word represents the will of millions of Catholics, and Brazil is the largest Catholic nation in the world.
Brazilian pro-life leaders are trying to get to the pope to ask his help, but even in this case, under the alarm of learning …More
What is going on? a Pope who does not genuflect????
A Pope who doesn't demand that Brazil end its by the back door abortion on demand legislation?
Is the devil at work?
Holy Cannoli
So, the Holy Father has time to commiserate with an obscure Brazilian tribe of Indians, he has plenty of time to kiss babies, wave to throngs of people while riding in his small cheep car, urges young Catholics to make a "mess" in their dioceseas but he has neither been told by his aids nor has he mentioned the fact that Brazil is about to pass a bill that would foster untold number of abortions. …More
So, the Holy Father has time to commiserate with an obscure Brazilian tribe of Indians, he has plenty of time to kiss babies, wave to throngs of people while riding in his small cheep car, urges young Catholics to make a "mess" in their dioceseas but he has neither been told by his aids nor has he mentioned the fact that Brazil is about to pass a bill that would foster untold number of abortions.

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