Sung prayer to Michael the Archangel - Sancte Michael Archangele - Gregorian Chant Brother Elijah, responsible for the Harpa Dei ensemble, expressed the following about this song: The melody of this …More
Sung prayer to Michael the Archangel - Sancte Michael Archangele - Gregorian Chant
Brother Elijah, responsible for the Harpa Dei ensemble, expressed the following about this song:
The melody of this song comes from the traditional monastery of "Our Lady of Guadalupe" (Silver City, New Mexico) and may sound at first a little bit unfamiliar for some.
The way Harpa Dei sings it opens a very beautiful perspective. From my point of view it is not just the musical setting of the well-known prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, but it tells - as I see it - the story of the expulsion of the fallen angels, which now has to happen on earth. The singing in its continuity represents this in a calm, tender and evident way. The victory is already there. It must now be actualized!
This song is part of this mission - it comes from long ago and tells us men in time what happened and is happening - the final separation of light and darkness.
I advise you to listen to this song some times, so that our soul …More
This is exquisite and indeed should be listened to more than once.