
Not Narrow-Minded: Bishop “Allows” Roman Mass for All Priests

Petrópolis Bishop Gregorio Paixão, Brazil, a Benedictine and organist, authorising all priests of the diocese ordained until 16 July 2021 to celebrate the Roman Mass.

Paixão also asked that the Novus Odo “be celebrated by our clergy with dignity and fidelity to the liturgical books, without eccentricities that easily degenerate into abuses."

He stressed that the Roman Rite has “not caused problems,” and allowed the daily Roman Mass in a chapel of St. Jude Thaddeus Parish, however imposing that the readings must be done "in the vernacular.” Since 2020,

Father Antonio de Padua, of the Old Rite Apostolic Administration St. John Mary Vianney has been an assistant-priest in that parish celebrating the Roman Mass there. Now, Paixão appointed him also as delegate for the Roman Rite.

Picture: Gregorio Paixão © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsSybunkgwdy