Catholic medic with conflicts of interest parrots Big Pharma script

"DOCTOR RIPS VAX PEDDLER’S ANTI-VIGANÒ RANT" On December 15, in the Italian-language section of the Corrispondenza Romana website, an article was published by pediatrician Gwyneth A. Spaeder which …More
On December 15, in the Italian-language section of the Corrispondenza Romana website, an article was published by pediatrician Gwyneth A. Spaeder which intended to refute my statements about the COVID "vaccine" in the letter which I sent to the American bishops and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on October 23, 2021.
I believe that those who are familiar with my writings and read them regularly know that I do not usually make rash statements, nor do I take positions on controversial topics without taking great care to check the facts. This is required by the seriousness of an impartial critique and by the authority of my role as Archbishop, as well as by respect for those to whom I speak. Whether I make pronouncements on questions of strict doctrinal or moral relevance, or if I address topics only indirectly tied to Religion, I believe I have never shrunk from facing criticism or from having a healthy discussion, precisely …More
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Facts Not Lies
I am better at tables of data.. but reports are good too.
I will definitely want to read this. Thanks.More
I am better at tables of data.. but reports are good too.

I will definitely want to read this. Thanks.