Any doubts the Catholic press might be satanic?
But to me all of this also begs that larger question of whether it is the time, finally, for LGBTQ religious to publicly come out and help the broader church understand the extent to which it is supported, maintained and nourished by good and faithful queer people.

Is now the time for LGBTQ priests and religious to come out?

(NCR illustration/Unsplash/S. Turby, Katie) Have we reached a moment when it's time for the many LGBTQ bishops, priests, deacons, brothers …
What??!!! "In part Catholicism depends on us (Lgbtqrst...)and has done so for a long time"(!) See above, according to Damian, sodomy "opens up hell and closes the gates of paradise," and much more...
The Wandering Recluse
I hear you. I don't know how bad things were in St. Damian's days, but I think these times are unprecedented.
This is a good read to understand just how grave things are and why many call this paper "The Fishwrap"
Homo church is not the Catholic Church.