
Heresy-Cardinal Kasper Co-Authored Francis’ Letter To German Bishops

Francis' June letter to the German bishops was written after a discrete May meeting of the Cardinals Parolin, Ladaria, Ouellet, Stella and some Curia Archbishops, Herder.de (September 18) writes.

The prelates evaluated the situation in Germany where Communion for Protestants had just been introduced. They entrusted Ladaria with proposing to Francis to write a letter to the German bishop emphasizing the importance of unity with Rome.

Francis accepted the idea. He called Cardinal Walter Kasper, 86, to advise him. Francis wrote the letter in Spanish. Ladaria's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith translated it to German.

Incredibly, the involved persons managed to keep the process secret. The Germans were surprised by the letter, including Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx.

The 19-page-letter asks the German bishops to find a "frank response to the current situation" and warns of "fragmentation." As a whole, it is full of verbiage and truisms and lends itself to almost any interpretation.

Picture: Walter Kasper, © mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsMvfjmhtofp