
Vatican Under Thumb of Fake-News CNN Feels "Shame and Sorrow"

Vatican press officer Greg Burke published on August 16 a bootlicking statement on the [fraudulent] "Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report" about alleged clerical abuses in six Pennsylvania dioceses. Catholic …More
Vatican press officer Greg Burke published on August 16 a bootlicking statement on the [fraudulent] "Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report" about alleged clerical abuses in six Pennsylvania dioceses.
Catholic League's Bill Donohue points out that almost all the accusations levelled in the report are historical, none of them were substantiated, some are already proven wrong.
Donohue adds that there is no institution, private or public in the U.S., "that has less of a problem with the sexual abuse of minors today than the Catholic Church."
Nevertheless, Burke indulges in hyperbolism speaking of "shame and sorrow" about "these horrible crimes" the Pennsylvania Report does not bother to prove.
The desperate Vatican's reaction came after fake news media led by CNN demanded a Vatican statement on the Pennsylvania Report calling the silence about it “deafening”.
Truly deafening is the silence which Catholic media receive from the Vatican when they point out to true and current abuses that touch the …More
Bill Donahue also decries the "scapegoating" of Cardinal Wuerl. Boo hoo hoo.
La vérité, la voici : les abus touchent tout le monde depuis Vatican II.
@Campion the Champion Those were all bad wars America had no business being in. Politicians and the press lied to Americans to get them into those wars. Not a good analogy.