Gloria.TV News on the 8th of May 2014 Homosexual Problem: The Vatican’s U.N. ambassador in Geneva, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, declared during a grilling by a U.N. committee that since 2004 the Vatican …More
Gloria.TV News on the 8th of May 2014
Homosexual Problem: The Vatican’s U.N. ambassador in Geneva, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, declared during a grilling by a U.N. committee that since 2004 the Vatican has defrocked 848 priests for sexual abuses. The great majority of them were homosexuals who did not prey on children but on male teens. There are over 410,000 Catholic priests around the world.
Lukewarm Catholics: Despite a Hispanic Pope U.S. Hispanics are turning away from the Church, a Pew Research Center survey has found. Catholics represented 55 percent of U.S. Hispanics in 2013. This is a dramatic drop from 67 percent in 2010. Jesuit Father Allan Figueroa Deck, theology professor at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles commented on the findings: “We have become a little lukewarm.”
Unwelcome Sexual Conduct: University of Dayton theology professor and former Obama ambassador to the Vatican Miguel H. Diaz was found to have likely engaged in 'unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature' …More
Aunque la enseñanza de la Iglesia Católica afirma la existencia del infierno y su eternidad, jamás, nunca ha dicho que una determinada persona esta siendo condenada en este lugar. Padre Natanek es el primer sacerdote que ha nombrado de nombre y apellido al Obispo Józef Życiński como condenado. No sé de donde sacó esta idea tan terrible. Habló de un teléfono inter-celestial pero sin detalles. A …More
Aunque la enseñanza de la Iglesia Católica afirma la existencia del infierno y su eternidad, jamás, nunca ha dicho que una determinada persona esta siendo condenada en este lugar. Padre Natanek es el primer sacerdote que ha nombrado de nombre y apellido al Obispo Józef Życiński como condenado. No sé de donde sacó esta idea tan terrible. Habló de un teléfono inter-celestial pero sin detalles. A mi parecer, como siempre se extralimitó. En este momento no se me ocurre nada mejor, sino a remitir a todos, al sermón del Raniero Cantalamessa quien ha dado el último Viernes Santo una verdadera cátedra sobre el asunto. ¿Habrá un solo obispo que le guste al Padre Natanek? ¡Si es así urgentemente el nombre y apellido por favor! De lo contrario uno podría creer que solamente Natanek tiene la razón y nadie más.
Let us pray for the health of Stanislaus. 🤨
Let us pray for bishop Stanislaw Dziwisz. He does not follow teachings of St JPII. That is the problem in relation with Fr Peter Natanek.More

Let us pray for bishop Stanislaw Dziwisz. He does not follow teachings of St JPII. That is the problem in relation with Fr Peter Natanek.
Dear Stanislaw. The problem is that form a historical point of view all saints were persecuted, mostly by their own superiors. May say by the church itself. Father Pio was not an exception. Let me remember a few names: San Juan de la Cruz, Santa Teresa llamada la Grande, even Sor Lucia and Faustyna Kowalska passed the same way of the cross. Why? Because Christ has did it first. The pain of life and …More
Dear Stanislaw. The problem is that form a historical point of view all saints were persecuted, mostly by their own superiors. May say by the church itself. Father Pio was not an exception. Let me remember a few names: San Juan de la Cruz, Santa Teresa llamada la Grande, even Sor Lucia and Faustyna Kowalska passed the same way of the cross. Why? Because Christ has did it first. The pain of life and tribulations can’t be dissiotaed from the Cristianity. The new and disconcerting point here is that Father Natanek refuse to obey the eclesial autority. Such as attitude, casts doubt on the veracity of Natanek´s predictions and acts. The allegations about the cardinal’s Dziwisz lake of authority, to suspend father Antanek, sounds not seriouse to me. Who is the autority though? According to Father Natanek a bishop is a modernist; cardinal is a heretic, even Pope is also no enough for Natanek. Since I don’t know more authorities maybe you will name any. Recently our priest was auguring that he will obey only to God. On the other hand not all is wrong or worth to be neglected in Natanek’s inventions. And here is the trap. The truths are perfectly and indistinguishable mixed, making hide the evident errors of all kinds.
In the life of St Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) we discover that his Bishop, Archbishop Gagliardi, falsely accused Padre Pio of various wrongdoings, and had unjust sanctions imposed upon him. When people would speak against the Bishop concerning these unjust sanctions, St. Pio would quickly respond “The will of the Bishop is the will of God.”
Conscious of the importance of obedience, Padre Pio …
In the life of St Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) we discover that his Bishop, Archbishop Gagliardi, falsely accused Padre Pio of various wrongdoings, and had unjust sanctions imposed upon him. When people would speak against the Bishop concerning these unjust sanctions, St. Pio would quickly respond “The will of the Bishop is the will of God.”

Conscious of the importance of obedience, Padre Pio was always showing an example of true religious obedience and respect to his superiors. For him, the superior was the image of Christ, and obeying him was obeying Christ. But it happened that God used Padre Pio's superiors as instruments for him to suffer from the Church, and for the Church. And so we see that even if the Bishop may be wrong in his judgment, we are always doing God's will by obeying him.

Holy Cannoli

I don't think it was God who was using bishops to falsely accuse priests.
Nothing to be proud of.
What is good in supporting false accusations?
Holy Cannoli 2014-05-08 10:54:51
Fr Natanek: Another idiot in the post VC-II Firmament.
Would you please answer few questions?
Who suspended Padre Pio?
Did he/they have reason for suspension?
Would you say Padre Pio was an idiot and was suspended?
How easy it is for you to judge priest Father Piotr Natanek, doctor of theology with long list of his writings and long list of his …More
Holy Cannoli 2014-05-08 10:54:51
Fr Natanek: Another idiot in the post VC-II Firmament.

Would you please answer few questions?
Who suspended Padre Pio?
Did he/they have reason for suspension?
Would you say Padre Pio was an idiot and was suspended?
How easy it is for you to judge priest Father Piotr Natanek, doctor of theology with long list of his writings and long list of his acts and teachings as good priest faithful to his homeland and Tradition of the Holy Church?
How bizarre?
One more comment from stanislawp
Suspension of Fr Piotr Natanek is not valid as stated by many priests for ex.. Fr Stanisław Małkowski.
Fr Piotr Natanek does not want to follow wrong teachings of bp Stanisław Dziwisz and he follows teachings which are in accordance with teachings of the Church (Pope)
It is very easy to prove wrongdoings of bishop Stanisław Dziwisz.
Another priest Fr Tadeusz Kiersztyn testified about bp Stanisław …
Suspension of Fr Piotr Natanek is not valid as stated by many priests for ex.. Fr Stanisław Małkowski.
Fr Piotr Natanek does not want to follow wrong teachings of bp Stanisław Dziwisz and he follows teachings which are in accordance with teachings of the Church (Pope)
It is very easy to prove wrongdoings of bishop Stanisław Dziwisz.
Another priest Fr Tadeusz Kiersztyn testified about bp Stanisław Dziwisz destroying him, just because Fr Kiersztyn did not want to give up on idea of Jesus the King.
Fr Kiersztyn researched masons in the Church as did before St Maksymilian Kolbe.
In 21 century I see censorship on the topic of false accusations of Peter Natanek.
False accusations and without due process, trial.
There was good news that on the day April 27 2014 bishop Stanisław Dziwisz reached the retirement age of 75.
I remind you Stanisław, Father Natanek was suspended - he is not allowed to preach.
Statement of the Conference of the Polish Episcopate
Masses, performed by the suspending priest (Natanek) are wicked and sacrilegious, and granted absolution is invalid.
Permanent Council of the Polish Bishops once again firmly also warns Catholics against false teaching of the priest and asks faithful not to …More
I remind you Stanisław, Father Natanek was suspended - he is not allowed to preach.

Statement of the Conference of the Polish Episcopate

Masses, performed by the suspending priest (Natanek) are wicked and sacrilegious, and granted absolution is invalid.

Permanent Council of the Polish Bishops once again firmly also warns Catholics against false teaching of the priest and asks faithful not to benefit from the pastoral ministry of Fr. Natanek, not guided by his teachings, not believed in his unfounded ensure its conformity with the teaching of the popes and bishops, and not approach the groups created by him. People working with suspended Fr. Peter Natanek contribute to split the community of believers. Cooperating in destroying the unity of the Church, commit sin, which are required to clean up in the sacrament of penance. Condition while receiving absolution is withdrawing from supporting a split in the Church and the willingness remedy of the evil.

(but he is allowed to preach on Gloria.tv. @BAH)
Fr Natanek is preaching in polish this is barrier which makes him dedicated only to Poles.
My hope is in Luchinka, she speaks Polish
She knows the false bishops in Germany and we have few in Poland like BP Dziwisz, BP Nycz, BP Skworc...
They are Modernists, it means they are excommunicated ipso facto.\
They try to destroy prophets and Private revelations, like fr P Natanek …More
Fr Natanek is preaching in polish this is barrier which makes him dedicated only to Poles.


My hope is in Luchinka, she speaks Polish
She knows the false bishops in Germany and we have few in Poland like BP Dziwisz, BP Nycz, BP Skworc...
They are Modernists, it means they are excommunicated ipso facto.\
They try to destroy prophets and Private revelations, like fr P Natanek and Agnes
They have destroyed dozens of good priests and good Poles...
They preach heresy so millions are confused and in danger of getting their souls destroyed...
Medziugorie is false. The seers are false just like MDM! The only difference is the "seers" of Medziugorie don't preach anything new really or that shocking like MDM. MDM is way out there while Medziugorie seers just say the same thing "Our Lady says to pray hard"?! The local Bishop told everyone not to go to Medziugorie or believe in it. The Vatican has never approved of it and turns a blind eye …More
Medziugorie is false. The seers are false just like MDM! The only difference is the "seers" of Medziugorie don't preach anything new really or that shocking like MDM. MDM is way out there while Medziugorie seers just say the same thing "Our Lady says to pray hard"?! The local Bishop told everyone not to go to Medziugorie or believe in it. The Vatican has never approved of it and turns a blind eye out of fear of popular belief. It is stupid and false. How can one believe that the virgin has been showing Herself for these many years, while the seers are just laity and making money?! If one looks at Fatima, and Lourdes and any other time Our Lady has appeared it was for a short time, filled with many shocking wonders!!! This "Medziugorie" is the opposite of Fatima and all other visions. It has been going on for many, many, many years with nothing new, where the focus is more on the seers and grounded in rebellion! Wake up Catholics! 🤦
Lukewarm Catholics 🤦
If people do not find the truth in the church especially the truth that is attached to the coherence of life of the one who is preaching which causes problems and confusion for the followers. It is one thing to say “Lord, Lord” and quite another to actually live the faith. Anyone can preach but how difficult is it to find someone who consistently lives with the faith that …More
Lukewarm Catholics 🤦

If people do not find the truth in the church especially the truth that is attached to the coherence of life of the one who is preaching which causes problems and confusion for the followers. It is one thing to say “Lord, Lord” and quite another to actually live the faith. Anyone can preach but how difficult is it to find someone who consistently lives with the faith that one preaches. 🤨
Fr Natanek is preaching in polish this is barrier which makes him dedicated only to poles.
Publications in English, German, French, Spanish, Russian would make massage and him more popular.
Currently is difficult to buy any book with those private revelations. They do not exist in any on-line book store like Amazon Ebay Allegro.pl Merlin.pl etc
I can not find any web where I can find …More

Fr Natanek is preaching in polish this is barrier which makes him dedicated only to poles.

Publications in English, German, French, Spanish, Russian would make massage and him more popular.

Currently is difficult to buy any book with those private revelations. They do not exist in any on-line book store like Amazon Ebay Allegro.pl Merlin.pl etc

I can not find any web where I can find message from miss Agnieszka ...

Medziugorie message you can read on thousands web pages with daily updates, millions of visitors are coming to Bosnia yearly.

There is no caparison between Medziugorie and Fr Natanek however message of Medziugorie is similar to Fr Natanek
I would suggest some interesting Revelations which have been happening around Fr Piotr Natanek with the seer Agnieszka Jezierska - Grzechynia, Poland since 2009
so far 15 books of private revelations! It's stronger than Medjugorje!
The Nights of Christ the King are growing fast in numbers and are visible in each country around the world. (20 000 plus and having own tv station on the internet)
I would suggest some interesting Revelations which have been happening around Fr Piotr Natanek with the seer Agnieszka Jezierska - Grzechynia, Poland since 2009
so far 15 books of private revelations! It's stronger than Medjugorje!

The Nights of Christ the King are growing fast in numbers and are visible in each country around the world. (20 000 plus and having own tv station on the internet)

It's time to share the news with the world.

for egz.
April 30, 2014 in Belgium, EU

Ks. Piotr Natanek - Bruksela "ODBIJAMY EUROPĘ"
more at
Ottawa, Canada
God Bless Gloria.tv
Is there anything 'good' happening in the Roman Catholic Church? 🤨
I hope the clergy start to see the money fade away with the laity! I think once the bishop is broke he will only start to see the crises.
Hispanics are turning away from the Church, a Pew Research Center survey has found. Catholics represented 55 percent of U.S. Hispanics in 2013. This is a dramatic drop from 67 percent in 2010.
🤨 I believe for my experience that here in USA those who became lukewarm are the Priests and nuns and they preach the "Gospel of the world". 🤨More
Hispanics are turning away from the Church, a Pew Research Center survey has found. Catholics represented 55 percent of U.S. Hispanics in 2013. This is a dramatic drop from 67 percent in 2010.

🤨 I believe for my experience that here in USA those who became lukewarm are the Priests and nuns and they preach the "Gospel of the world". 🤨