Every Time I Speak His Name. In the darkest hour of our lives, we can whisper the Name above every name that is named in heaven and earth. He will hear our groans, and answers every cry.More
Every Time I Speak His Name.
In the darkest hour of our lives, we can whisper the Name above every name that is named in heaven and earth. He will hear our groans, and answers every cry.
Kéž líbá Tě polibky svých úst, kéž zahrne Tě pokojem. Bůh Tě tolik miluje, Světlo nechť navštíví Tě z výsostí, ze země slunce, drahých kamení a krás,
kde jako květina rozkvétá štěstí, jež Pán chce Ti dát.

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Dear Kfarley,
Just the whisper of His High and Holy Name, brings peace to our minds, joy to our hearts, and hope in His promises that cannot fail. May He hold you in His heart of love and multiply His blessings to you.
Your Sister in Christ,
Dear Kfarley,

Just the whisper of His High and Holy Name, brings peace to our minds, joy to our hearts, and hope in His promises that cannot fail. May He hold you in His heart of love and multiply His blessings to you.
Your Sister in Christ,
Great vocal and song and very beautiful imagery!