
50 Years After Vatican II, Are You Still Catholic? (Take the Quiz)

Written by Susan Claire Potts, Ph.D. The Remnant Friday, June 1, 2018 Look around at our Catholic world. Do you ever wonder why Tradition isn’t taking hold? Why the power and beauty of the Mass of the …More
Written by Susan Claire Potts, Ph.D.
The Remnant
Friday, June 1, 2018
Look around at our Catholic world. Do you ever wonder why Tradition isn’t taking hold? Why the power and beauty of the Mass of the Ages is not enflaming hearts everywhere? Why don’t people speak the language of Faith? Have you noticed that, even among those holding fast to Sacred Tradition, there is a reluctance to talk like a Catholic? Have you even noticed a certain superficiality in matters of religion? Have you wondered why?
As a psychologist, I propose a reason. I think that at a deep level—perhaps out of their own awareness—the religious convictions of many have been diminished, if not lost. Their thinking has been altered by false teaching and the constant shaking of their faith.
Everyone has within his mind an intellectual framework—rather like the walls of a house. This foundational structure provides coherence and meaning to the ideas that bounce around in his head. Without it, nothing makes sense. But within …More
Holy Cannoli
I’m in the Black, Jewish, Illegal, Handicapped, LGBTA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transsexual, and asexual) group. (aka: Democrat) 🚬
Took it. I am still Catholic! Deo Gratias
Montfort AJPM
May I one day see
The real Pope's back,
Church Victory
On the black conciliar,
And the time of peace foretold
By Our Lady of Fatima!
Happy then shall be my death
And happier my eternity.
As the soul purifies itself in Purgatory, it better understands the good God;
We," said Antichrist, "all understand each other the first time.