#7 - Consoling the Heart of the Father "It is I, your Heavenly Mother, your Queen and your Refuge. Come to My Heart, My little ones. Come to the Home and the Citadel prepared for you by the Father for …More
#7 - Consoling the Heart of the Father

"It is I, your Heavenly Mother, your Queen and your Refuge. Come to My Heart, My little ones. Come to the Home and the Citadel prepared for you by the Father for these times. Take refuge in My Immaculate Heart and do not fear."

For the written/printable version of the message go to #7 - Consoling the Heart of the Father | Messages of Faith - Mission of Divine Mercy

English Catholic
@SHJ-IHM It's been condemned by the local bishop. I'm sick of posting the condemnations. But here they are again.
Funny how at Fatima she said so much more = with so few words. This sounds very Medjorjesque.
St Thomas Aquinus pray for us to come back to our senses
Choose between Thomas or Vatican II you cant put square peg in a round hole.How can the conqueror of heresy hear the prayer of heretics its against her nature