What Does It Mean to Be Good and Faithfull. Father Reto Nay 4th of February 2011 Sedrun, SwitzerlandMore
What Does It Mean to Be Good and Faithfull.

Father Reto Nay
4th of February 2011
Sedrun, Switzerland
As to going to confession: " Where are your accusers? -Neither do I condemn you: go and SIN NO MORE ." As to going to mass every Sunday: unless it involves reverent participation in A Holy Sacrifice of The Holy Mass and receiving The Holy Communion WORTHILY, we "are like the clinging cymbals" " Look at the pagans,they do not know the True God ,yet they hold on to their traditions" said The Lord. As …More
As to going to confession: " Where are your accusers? -Neither do I condemn you: go and SIN NO MORE ." As to going to mass every Sunday: unless it involves reverent participation in A Holy Sacrifice of The Holy Mass and receiving The Holy Communion WORTHILY, we "are like the clinging cymbals" " Look at the pagans,they do not know the True God ,yet they hold on to their traditions" said The Lord. As Apostolic Church we were given Five Talents,are we using them " for our own good and that of the Catholic Church "? For there are those ,who were given only one talent - the awareness that there must be some " power" ," divine reality " .Our obligation is to share the fulness of Faith,with others.But to do so,to sow the little seed,we must posses that Faith ourselves.For we all will be judged on ,how we have received The Living Word.For whoever acknowledges the Only Begotten Son of God,The Word Incarnate,The Emanuel ,Jesus Christ will acknowledge him in front of His Father .May we all become worthy of promises of Christ.
There are those ,who do not know the One True God,yet prostate themselves in worship.There are those who bathe in the "Holy River" according to their pagan rituals,Catholics bless themselves with The sign of the Cross,proclaiming the Holy Trinity,it's a sign identifying us as His remnant,sealing us,the Church militant by the power of The Holy Spirit,the breastplate of His Righteousness,so desperately …More
There are those ,who do not know the One True God,yet prostate themselves in worship.There are those who bathe in the "Holy River" according to their pagan rituals,Catholics bless themselves with The sign of the Cross,proclaiming the Holy Trinity,it's a sign identifying us as His remnant,sealing us,the Church militant by the power of The Holy Spirit,the breastplate of His Righteousness,so desperately necessary to keep the True Faith,especially in times when the hierarchy wants to sell us out ,cowardly accepting new ideology in a bid for false peace: " They cry: Salom! Shalom! where there is no peace - Come to Me and I will give you true Peace,Peace as no world ( political,military,financial powers,ideologies etc.) can give " - Jesus Christ,The Prince of Peace,The First and The Last.
One more comment from alinalotte
✍️ Jesus spoke in parables,for otherwise they would have not understand. As for "nice genuflections" - they are meaningless,unless we as Catholic Christians do it to acknowledge the Real Eucharistic Presence of Christ -greeting Him upon entering,leaving the Church,passing by the Tabernaculum( nobody would have a problem if it would have been at it's rightful place in the middle of the Altar,with …More
✍️ Jesus spoke in parables,for otherwise they would have not understand. As for "nice genuflections" - they are meaningless,unless we as Catholic Christians do it to acknowledge the Real Eucharistic Presence of Christ -greeting Him upon entering,leaving the Church,passing by the Tabernaculum( nobody would have a problem if it would have been at it's rightful place in the middle of the Altar,with the priests and faithful facing it and worshipping towards the East : " How come that I should go so far away from My own sanctuary? " " Have I been a stranger to Israel,a land of Darkness ? " " They put their thrones in the place of an Altar,removing from it the Perpetual Sacrifice" " Why do My people say: " We are the Lords,we will come no longer unto Thee?" " When you see the Abomination of Desolation...") ;receiving The Most Holy Body and Blood of Our Lord,Jesus Christ:" Verily,verily I say unto you,take this bread and eat it ,This is My Body,which will be given up for you,take and drink- This is My Blood,the Blood of the New and Everlasting Covenant,which will be shed for you unto remission of sins"
Holy Cannoli
Dear Fr.
The mechanics of your presentation were very good.
[26] And his lord answering, said to him: Wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sow not, and gather where I have not strewed: [27] Thou oughtest therefore to have committed my money to the bankers, and at my coming I should have received my own with usury. [28] Take ye away therefore the talent from him, and give …More
Dear Fr.

The mechanics of your presentation were very good.

[26] And his lord answering, said to him: Wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sow not, and gather where I have not strewed: [27] Thou oughtest therefore to have committed my money to the bankers, and at my coming I should have received my own with usury. [28] Take ye away therefore the talent from him, and give it to him that hath ten talents. [29] For to every one that hath shall be given, and he shall abound: but from him that hath not, that also which he seemeth to have shall be taken away. [30] And the unprofitable servant cast ye out into the exterior darkness. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Although it is clear to all of us who have read the Gospels, when you said “the one with 2 talents gave the master 2 talents back” I believe it would have been clearer if you would have said “the one with 2 talents gave the master those original 2 talents and 2 more talents additionally.” Also, “the one with 5 talents gave his master those 5 talents and 5 more talents additionally.” This parable becomes even more interesting since the servant who was given only 1 talent did nothing productive with it.

Although “talent” is not defined in the Gospel, we can say that talent may refer to money, intellecutal/artistic gifts or spiritual gifts or any combination of these three. The point being that each servant was able to present more to their master than what the master originally gave to them. All of the servants, that is, except for the servant who only received one talent but he did nothing to develop or to augment that talent. For his negligence, the servant with one talent was punished while the other servants who doubled their initial talents were rewarded even further.

As you've said, the rewards of heaven will include our communion with the angels, saints, and primarily the Holy Trinity. Personally, I also reflect that it will be a place where we can again be united with those who we loved in this world including family members (especially parents) and close friends.
