Bergoglio: “It’s not fair to identify Islam with violence. It’s not fair and it’s not true.”

(Bergoglio) is once again ignoring a simple distinction: while people of all faiths and backgrounds commit acts of violence, Islam is unique among world religions in having a developed doctrine, theology and legal system mandating warfare against unbelievers. Unless and until that is confronted, Muslims will continue to commit acts of violence against non-Muslims, including Christians. The Pope is betraying the Christians of the Middle East and the world, and all the victims of jihad violence, by repeating palpable falsehoods about the motivating ideology of attacks upon them, instead of confronting that ideology and calling upon Muslims to renounce and reform Islam’s doctrines of violence.
“(Bergoglio) said that when he reads the newspaper, he reads about an Italian who kills his fiancé or his mother in law. ‘They are baptized Catholics. They are violent Catholics.'” Does Catholicism teach the murder of fiancés or mothers in law? No. Does Islam teach jihad warfare against unbelievers? Yes.

“(Bergoglio) said that in every religion there are violent people, ‘a small group of fundamentalists,’ including in Catholicism.” There have been 28,923 violent jihad terror attacks worldwide since 9/11. How many violent attacks have there been in that span by violent Catholic “fundamentalists” doing violence in the name of Catholicism?

It is morally permissible to remove this communist physically from the Vatican.
la verdad prevalece
Anty_modernista 👍
✍️ Unfortunately many Catholics cowards prefer to remain silent for fear to offend a man but they do not care to offend God; when they refuse to defend our Catholic Faith. 🤨
(Bergoglio) está ignorando una vez más una distinción simple: mientras que las personas de todos los credos y orígenes cometen actos de violencia, el Islam es única entre las religiones del mundo en tener una doctrina desarrollada, la teología y el sistema legal que obliga a la guerra contra ...