The Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, comes out of the closet as an Islamist

Diarmuid Martin, the Archbishop of Dublin who will go down in history as the grossly incompetent and homosexualist …
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio and Diarmuid want to spread the myth of "peaceful Islam" that does not exist because the alleged "moderate Muslim" to obey the Koran finances the Jihad..
Cdl. Burke: ‘Christian nations’ in West must counter Islamic influx.More
Bergoglio and Diarmuid want to spread the myth of "peaceful Islam" that does not exist because the alleged "moderate Muslim" to obey the Koran finances the Jihad..

Cdl. Burke: ‘Christian nations’ in West must counter Islamic influx.
la verdad prevalece
@Jungerheld 🤫 It is a clever way to divert attention Mohammed de-christianized the places where the apostles had evangelized to impose by force of the sword Islam to banish Christianity . So Islam since the begining is the weapon used by the antichrist to exterminate Christians.
Fr. Gobbi on Islam being a manifestation of the Antichrist
I think I can say that I understand (at least in part) what the archbishop and Pope Francis are trying to express about a sinful tendency in the heart of man. This is where it becomes so urgent to have leaders in places of authority who can correctly interpret events, and these misjudgments will be catastrophic.