
Synodality: Vatican Rebuked Bishop – For Being Catholic…

Tyler Bishop Strickland was chastised by US nuncio Pierre in November 2021, Terry Barber said on 18 May (YouTube). Pierre approached Strickland at a meeting of bishops and "wagged his finger" at …More
Tyler Bishop Strickland was chastised by US nuncio Pierre in November 2021, Terry Barber said on 18 May (YouTube).
Pierre approached Strickland at a meeting of bishops and "wagged his finger" at Strickland while saying, "Bishop Strickland, we're watching you - stop talking about the deposit of faith."
Barber comments that Strickland "doesn't really care".
ReligionNews.com (23 May) confirmed the information, saying that Pierre had specifically confronted Strickland about his Twitter feed, where he opposed the COVID-19 injections.
In May this year, Strickland criticised Francis for undermining the faith.
Thank you, Bishop Strickland!! Please remain strong in standing up the Catholic Faith in all its fullness - don't worry about the naysayers and those who wag their finger at you - "so have they treated the prophets before you!" May Our Lady keep you protected and invigorated for Her Divine Son under Her Mantle!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
God Bless BIshop Strickland. I hope Pope Francis "Synodal Church" blows up in his face.
Great Picture.