
Former Novus Ordo Diocesan Bishop Celebrates Chrism Mass in PiusX Seminary

Former Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur, Switzerland, celebrated the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday at the PiusX Seminary in Zaitzkofen, Germany.

Huonder has been living in a PiusX boarding school in Switzerland since 2019. At the Chrism Mass, the oil for the Last Rite, the catechumen oil and the chrism oil are consecrated.

The Huonder Mass sends the signal that PiusX is regularly Catholic, because a "regular" bishop celebrates there.

However, it also meets with internal resistance because Huonder was ordained a bishop in the Novus Ordo. In a 2016 sermon, PiusX-Bishop Tissier de Mallerais described this ordination rite as "not Catholic".

According to Francis' current regulations, Huonder celebrated these rites "illegally".
Every man for himself, where there is water DRINK.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I would side with the SSPX over whatever Francis says every time.
The SSPX is about all that is left of the Catholic Church(remnant).
Jeffrey Ade
It seems there would be some confusion regarding this.
John A Cassani
The SSPX situation is rather confusing, in general.
Because we need to sow more confusion, right? You have 4 validly consecrated bishops, 3 of which are still within your order? Thumbs down on this, SSPX.
Tony Smith
I think the SSPX will be in damage control mode over this. Not sure why they are taking this path. Not sure it is the most prudent path to take at present.
Albert Morris
The confused SSPX is already admitting novus ordo presbyters in their ranks without re-ordination or ordination sub conditione, so this is in the same path. Dangerous path. Last time i was attending these mases it came to my knowledge the “priest” celebrating the mass was actually a novus ordo in nice clothes. That was the last day I step foot in their chapel. Going to their masses is like playing …More
The confused SSPX is already admitting novus ordo presbyters in their ranks without re-ordination or ordination sub conditione, so this is in the same path. Dangerous path. Last time i was attending these mases it came to my knowledge the “priest” celebrating the mass was actually a novus ordo in nice clothes. That was the last day I step foot in their chapel. Going to their masses is like playing the lottery. You may get the real Body and Blood of our Lord or get the fake cookie. You never know.
I'm expecting them to divide again eventually - this latest stunt is evidence. Why is it always the Germans? 🤒
" Why is it always the Germans? "
Not always the Germans but when it comes to the Germans: it is probably a question of their Weltanschauung. They have problems with prudence I suppose.