German Bishops Introduce a Chief-Ideologue for Homosexual Sins and "Easier" Liturgical Language

The German bishops have appointed a representative for "homosexual pastoral care", an office nobody needs.

At the same time, normal believers are running away in droves and nobody cares.

Presiding Bishop Georg Bätzing announced on 22 February that Ludger Schepers, a homosex-activist and auxiliary bishop of Essen, will take on the role, whose main task is to please the powerful bosses of the homosexual propaganda regime.

Propagandists of homosexual sins ("Queer Pastoral Care") already exist in individual dioceses. Now this circus is being raised to the level of the Bishops' Conference.

The bishops also approved a Eucharistic prayer in "simpler language" for imaginary "people with disabilities". Again, there is no objective need for this, but it promotes the ideology that liturgical texts can be changed at the whim of bishops and priests, which is already the rule, not the exception in Germany, with or without "approved" Eucharistic Prayers.

The simplistic Eucharistic Prayer reads: "With Jesus we ask you: Send the Holy Spirit. Make the bread holy. Make the wine holy. Make it the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

And: "On the evening before his death, Jesus takes the bread. He gives thanks. Jesus breaks the bread. He gives some of it to his friends. Jesus says: 'Take and eat, all of you; this is my body, which is given for you."

The Church in Germany is kept alive artificially by church tax.

Picture: Georg Bätzing ©, Pressefoto, #newsQlhogcxbkn

Louis IX
These men seem to worship homosexuals.
This “Bishop of Sodomy” for the German Church will no doubt report directly to the Vatican office best suited as his superior: Cardinal Kissy, Pervert of the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, who will happily take advantage of the opportunity provided by the creation of this “ministry” in Germany to glean fresh ideas of filth and nastiness from which to write new volumes of porn. 😐More
This “Bishop of Sodomy” for the German Church will no doubt report directly to the Vatican office best suited as his superior: Cardinal Kissy, Pervert of the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, who will happily take advantage of the opportunity provided by the creation of this “ministry” in Germany to glean fresh ideas of filth and nastiness from which to write new volumes of porn. 😐😠😡🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮