
US Abortion Regime: 11 Years in Prison?

Lauren Handy and four other pro-lifers were found “guilty” last week of peacefully entering an abortion clinic in Washington, D.C., in 2020.

The heroes were remanded to jail prior to their sentencing.

An emergency motion for release filed by the Thomas More Society was rejected.

The pro-lifers acted after seeing videos showing abortionists refusing to care for a child who had survived an attempted abortion.

The pro-lifers face up to 11 years in prison and a fine of up to $350,000 each.

Malki Tzedek
These people are heroes in a society of cowardice. Such a miscarriage of justice should be decried in the streets, yet, we who should rise up on their behalf filling the streets do little or nothing. Perhaps we are taking our Lord's admonition "Blessed are the meek" too literally. My shame is not an excuse.
Vincent Capuano
And the Cardinal Archbishop of Washington, what does he say? Is he trying to stop this miscarriage of justice? Or does he side with the culture of death regime?
chris griffin
And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. Acts 5:41
3rd Order Postulant
Go Thomas More Society! 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
This time they're fighting everything Biden's got. Actually, VP Harris is the reason David Daleiden is still fighting 8 years after his chilling sting video revelations.
A horrendous dictatorship.
chris griffin
I would tell women in the waiting room..."When the abortionist walks in to your procedure room just realize that he/she is a murderer, a baby killer and a serial killer in the eyes of God and you should get up off the table and leave"