Interesting Conversations with Right to Life Opponents @ Berkley. Tommy Silva and David Schmidt sit down at UC Berkley and discuss some of the conversations they had with abortion supporters who …More
Interesting Conversations with Right to Life Opponents @ Berkley.
Tommy Silva and David Schmidt sit down at UC Berkley and discuss some of the conversations they had with abortion supporters who protested a pro-life display at the campus.
The topics discussed:
1) Abortion advocates refusing to answer the question whether mothers should be able to kill their child AFTER birth
2) Abortion advocates saying it is impossible to know what a human is
3) Abortion advocates bringing religion into the debate
4) Abortion advocates denying that unborn humans are living creatures
5) How public debate would be useful to bringing out the strength of the pro-life argument 6) Circular emotion / logic distraction used by abortion advocates
Holy Cannoli
Berkeley* is the epicenter and the American home of leftist, pinko-commie, anti-American, and anti-war anarchists. It's no surprise that the students there would be pro-abortion including infanticide.
Convert them? A debate? Show images of aborted babies? Sorry, these things will have little if any results other than to enrage them.
The key is to defeat them mercilessly politically and that will …More
Berkeley* is the epicenter and the American home of leftist, pinko-commie, anti-American, and anti-war anarchists. It's no surprise that the students there would be pro-abortion including infanticide.

Convert them? A debate? Show images of aborted babies? Sorry, these things will have little if any results other than to enrage them.

The key is to defeat them mercilessly politically and that will not come about until Catholics in the US vote in a united front. This will not happen until the bishops get on board and start teaching unambiguously what it means to be Catholic, what oblligations that entails and what kinds of candidates should and should not be supported.
