Red alert!
What happened to the Catholic countries of Spain, Italy, Poland & Lithuania? They're doing worse than the secular or historically Protestant nations of Europe. 😱
Naomi Arai
...and just think, those rates are as high as they are because of invader Muslims...
You can thank freemasons who have preyed on women; promising them freedom from children, unlimited sexual pleasure without marriage, work, (a profession) outside the home, unlimited freedom...
What most of them get is a boring job, not enough money to live on, a tiny apartment, no friends, no time, no love.
Billy F
Fratelli e Sorelli… Piu Bambini!!!
You can thank the Catholic Church.
John A Cassani
Even if it turned around overnight, it would be 20 years before it even starts making a difference for the economy. Of course, this map indicates far worse for the state of souls.