Bergoglio’s removal of Bishop Strickland draws huge Catholic outrage, global media coverage

'His persecution will only open the door for countless others to rise up.' The morning’s news of Pope Francis removing the bishop of Tyler – Bishop Joseph Strickland – has made international waves …More
'His persecution will only open the door for countless others to rise up.'
The morning’s news of Pope Francis removing the bishop of Tyler – Bishop Joseph Strickland – has made international waves and caused instant outrage amongst Catholics, in a fallout, the scale of which, has likely taken even the Vatican by surprise.
In the Holy See Press Office’s daily bulletin on November 11, the Vatican announced that Pope Francis had “relieved” Bishop Joseph Strickland of the governance of his Diocese of Tyler.

The true import of the Vatican’s brief statement was not lost on the international media. By late afternoon Saturday, numerous major outlets across the globe had reported on the story, with varying degrees of favorability for either Strickland or Francis. The list includes:
BBC Pope Francis fires Texan bishop after criticism of reforms
CNN: Pope removes outspoken conservative Texas bishop after investigation
REUTERS: In very rare move, Pope dismisses conservative US bishop Strickland
AP …More
True Mass
But where are all the other Bishops standing up and publicly stating that they stand with Strickland. They are complicit by their deafening silence.
I'm not talking about Buke Sarah Muller etc.
Answer: Their silence speaks for itself. As the late Cardinal Godfried Danneels succinctly put it; "The proof of the pudding is in the eating" - search no more but pray the Rosary instead.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This is fantastic news, and exactly what I and millions of faithful Catholics expected the reaction would be. Regarding Pope Francis-----
"His persecution will only open the door for countless others to rise up.'
The morning’s news of Pope Francis removing the bishop of Tyler – Bishop Joseph Strickland – has made international waves and caused instant outrage amongst Catholics, in a fallout, the …
This is fantastic news, and exactly what I and millions of faithful Catholics expected the reaction would be. Regarding Pope Francis-----
"His persecution will only open the door for countless others to rise up.'
The morning’s news of Pope Francis removing the bishop of Tyler – Bishop Joseph Strickland – has made international waves and caused instant outrage amongst Catholics, in a fallout, the scale of which, has likely taken even the Vatican by surprise."

It's already happening. Pope Francis within a week will have such a rebellion on his hands (and not only in the USA), that it will destroy not only his "synodal church" he is trying to create from scratch with the aid of his legion of homosexual advisors in the Vatican and elsewhere, but destroy and bring down his entire pontificate....AND ALL CLOSELY ASSOCIATED WITH HIM.
Bonnie Louise
Thank you for the link, well written with some wry humor.