In this latest Vatican move to suppress the traditional Latin Mass, we see a repetition of a pattern that has characterized this pontificate:
Pope Francis issues a statement (in this case, a canonical ruling) that leaves key questions unanswered;
The Pope’s subordinates answer those questions, in ways that go beyond what the Pontiff actually said—always to the benefit of liberal interpreters;
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In this latest Vatican move to suppress the traditional Latin Mass, we see a repetition of a pattern that has characterized this pontificate:
Pope Francis issues a statement (in this case, a canonical ruling) that leaves key questions unanswered;
The Pope’s subordinates answer those questions, in ways that go beyond what the Pontiff actually said—always to the benefit of liberal interpreters;
By his silent acquiescence, the Pope effectively ratifies the more liberal interpretations, without ever quite taking those stands himself.

A new Vatican move against the Latin Mass—with or without canonical authority

By Phil Lawler ( bio - articles - email ) | Feb 10, 2023 Since Pope Francis issued Traditionis Custodes, restricting the …
Salvatore Bastatti
Does it matter? Just ignore Bergoglio. It is clear following his pronouncements will lead one to hell. Follow the Latin rite as mandated in Quo Primum. Bergoglio knows he has no authority for what he has done and he laughs at those who pray ad orientem. One curate told me the toilet bowls in the Vatican for Gordo are all now ad orientem-- such is his hatred for the Church.