Young muslim kids stomp “Pride” flag as their mothers cheer them on. Muslims don't like "Pride" but "Pride" likes Allah. Who will win this battle?
Billy F
Two factions of the same master… Lucifer. Islam is just as sexually filthy as the Alphabet Degenerates. With their instant marriage and divorce whores and their Polygamy. Their idea of Heaven is a sexual orgy. 72 Virgins. It is not Heaven they’ll go to but with their false profit, to the depths of Hell.
John A Cassani
There’s plenty of sodomy in the Muslim world too, with boys as victims, especially. They just need the approval of their imams.
Bruceph Mildur
Shucks, missed opportunity... for US soldiers to drive by throwing candy.
The enemy of my enemy….
Naomi Arai
Is still not my friend...