
Musings of a Frustrated Catholic – by Dr Geoffrey Brushwood

Folks, we can’t complain that the era we live in is dull.

On March 29, we re-enacted in England a very significant event that happened 639 years ago, when England was dedicated as the Dowry of Mary. Incredible!

This land is once more dedicated to Her. One might argue that the dedication by King Richard II in 1381 was never rescinded. But, sadly the monarchy and government were for a time ungodly.

Those were the penal times when, by a series of statutes, successive sovereigns and Parliaments from Elizabeth to George III, sought to prevent the practice of the Catholic Faith in England.

Beginning in 1559 with the act of Supremacy, there were declarations against Transubstantiation (Test Act, 1673) and against Popery (1678).

Now, amazingly, we have all of those events that happened in different centuries put together, and coming into play within a few weeks.

We can’t have access to the sacraments by government decree and bishops’ collusion. And yet we have England re-dedicated.

And what about the Universal Church? We’ve got that covered too.

Crazy synods like Pope Stephen VI cadaver synod in 897 were mere piffle compared to the Pachamama Synod last year, when the Pope himself took part (or stood by observing) demon worship at the Vatican.

Then, of course, the events of the Western schism prompted by the resignation of Pope Celestine in 1294 were also given a re-run not so long ago.

Just like in 1409, the year of three popes, we now have had a few years of two popes.

Notice, I’ve said nothing about an ongoing plague of Old Testament proportions, that makes us re-live the Exodus era too.

Amazing, what next? The Big Bang?

Can’t wait for next week.