
Munich Archdiocese: Requiem for the Wrong Cause

Munich Archdiocese has announced a July 25 ecumenical requiem for the glaciers on the Zugspitze, Germany's highest mountain. By inviting journalists, they plan to stir up a little climate panic. Texts will "mourn" the "dying glaciers". No priest will be present. The prayer will be led by a Protestant woman and a "Catholic" layman. It would be more urgent to celebrate a requiem for the dead faith in Munich Archdiocese.

Picture: Zugspitze © wikipedia, CC BY-SA, #newsAnweaormiq

Jeffrey Ade
Horrible, is the Munich Archdiocese even Catholic? No just kidding, of course it isn't! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Sister Mary of the Trinity
Your website chops words and doesn't allow to correct: my only comment was CRAZY NOVUSORDIANS.
Sister Mary of the Trinity shares this
Climate change: Ecumenical mourning ceremonies for dying glaciers
Climate change: Ecumenical mourning ceremonies for dying glaciers

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Climate change: Ecumenical mourning ceremonies for dying glaciers