MAORI vs. PLANDEMIC – With Dr Reiner Fuellmich and international attorneys - Something will happen in New Zealand, that could impact the world. An international team of attorneys and scientists joined …More
MAORI vs. PLANDEMIC – With Dr Reiner Fuellmich and international attorneys - Something will happen in New Zealand, that could impact the world. An international team of attorneys and scientists joined with the indigenous Maori people of New Zealand. They will start legal proceedings to bring those who are responsible for the covid plandemic to justice.
The justice system of the independent Maori people from New Zealand is ideal to start these lawsuits, because they are beyond the control of the western financial establishment. These western elitists have corrupted most of the worldwide judicial system to ensure they would never be held liable for their crimes against humanity. The upcoming legal proceedings will set a judicial precedent for the rest of the world as the evidence that will come to light can be used in any other court. Attorney Dr Reiner Fuellmich explains more in this interview with Stop World Control.
Sources: MAORI vs. PLANDEMIC - With Dr Reiner Fuellmich - MAORI vs. …More
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Miles - Christi
About Reiner Füellmich: 1. Conferencia de Reiner Fuellmich sobre el fraude del coronvirus en el e… (English with Spanish Subtitles) - 2. CORONAFRAUDE: Crimen contra la humanidad - Declaración del Abogado ale… (English with Spanish subtitles) - 3. Crimes against Humanity. - 4. Crimes Against Humanity, fraudulent PCR Tests Taken To Court - Intervi… - 5. German Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich Sues The …More
About Reiner Füellmich: 1. Conferencia de Reiner Fuellmich sobre el fraude del coronvirus en el e… (English with Spanish Subtitles) - 2. CORONAFRAUDE: Crimen contra la humanidad - Declaración del Abogado ale… (English with Spanish subtitles) - 3. Crimes against Humanity. - 4. Crimes Against Humanity, fraudulent PCR Tests Taken To Court - Intervi… - 5. German Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich Sues The World Over Coronavirus. Patric… - 6. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Exclusive Interview. - 7. L’étau se resserre sur la clique de Davos (English with French subtitles) - 8. Reiner Fuellmich on the Fake and Criminal "Corona Crisis" - Full Lengt… - 9. "Corona Investigative Committee: Conclusions" - Related: 1. Crimes against Humanity - 2. Crimes … - 10. "CORONA FARSA: Entrevista a Reiner Fuellmich" - Relacionado: 1. Conferencia de Reiner Fuellmich … (English with French subtitles) - 11. "HISTORIA Y OBJETIVOS DE LA FALSA PANDEMIA" - El abogado Reiner Fuellmich entrevista a la investiga… (English with French subtitles) - 12. Reiner Fuellmich summarizes the Corona Investigative Committee's findings to date and takes stock … - 13. "Reiner Fuellmich on suing the WHO" - One of the most powerful lawyers in Germany is currently … - 14. "Reiner Fuellmich Message" - W.H.O. CONCEDES THE COVID VIRUS IS JUST LIKE THE COMMON FLU - AT … - 15. "Estos son los peores crímenes de lesa humanidad jamás cometidos" - Reiner Fuellmich - 02/04/2021 (English with French subtitles) - 16. El juicio final (English with Spanish Subtitles) - 17. "Corona Investigative Committee: Grand Jury Proceeding" - Opening statement by Reiner Fuellmich - … - 18. "PLANDEMIC: GRAND JURY EVIDENCE" - Lawyers and top experts reveal evidence for world dictatorship. … - 19. THE SO-CALLED "CORONA PANDEMIC" - In this episode … - 20. MAORI vs. PLANDEMIC – With Dr Reiner Fuellmich and…