Crimes against Humanity. This video is probably the clearest, most serene and objective exposition that I have seen so far about what is happening on a planetary scale since the beginning of the year.…More
Crimes against Humanity.

This video is probably the clearest, most serene and objective exposition that I have seen so far about what is happening on a planetary scale since the beginning of the year. I suggest giving it wide dissemination through social networks. The absolute priority at this time is to contribute by all the means at our disposal to make people aware of what is happening, to help them open their eyes to the reality that the mass media of the system hide us, servile agents of disinformation paid by those who have caused the chaos in which we have debated for seven months, take advantage of it and have no interest in the situation changing.

Original video: youtube.com/null - Source of information: ACTU - See also: 1. Conferencia de Reiner Fuellmich sobre el fraude del coronvirus en el e… (English with Spanish Subtitles) - 2. CORONAFRAUDE: Crimen contra la humanidad - Declaración del Abogado ale… - 3. Crimes against Humanity. - 4. Crimes Against Humanity, fraudulent PCR Tests Taken To Court - Intervi… - 5. German Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich Sues The World Over Coronavirus. Patric… - 6. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Exclusive Interview. - 7. L’étau se resserre sur la clique de Davos (English with french subtitles) - 8. Crimes against Humanity. - 9. Reiner Fuellmich on the Fake and Criminal "Corona Crisis" - Full Lengt… - 10. rumble.com/vgkocn-el-juicio-final.html (English with Spanish Subtitles)

Hannah Arendt's reflections that I transcribe at the end of this post on the relationship between totalitarianism, isolation and terror are inscribed in the same logic, and should feed our reflection. Finally, the Unesco Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights that I have attached seems to me a document of capital importance that we must use to assert our rights against the global health tyranny that brutally oppresses us and cynically and shamelessly overwhelms our individual freedoms. and our fundamental human rights - freedom of religion, work, movement, education, family assistance, receiving medical attention, etc.-


“(…) Terror can absolutely dominate only isolated men and, therefore, one of the primary concerns at the beginning of all tyrannical governments is to achieve isolation. Isolation can be the beginning of terror; it is certainly its most fertile ground, and always its result. This isolation is, as it were, pre-totalitarian. Its characteristic is impotence insofar as power always comes from men who act together, acting in concert; by definition, isolated men are powerless. (…) While isolation corresponds only to the political terrain of life, loneliness corresponds to human life as a whole. Totalitarian governments, like all tyrannies, certainly could not exist without destroying the public realm of life, that is, without destroying, isolating men, their political capacities. But totalitarian domination as a form of government is new in that it is not content with this isolation and also destroys private life. She bases herself on loneliness, on the experience of not belonging at all to the world, which is among the most radical and desperate experiences of man. " Hannah Arendt, "The origins of totalitarianism", 1951.
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Nous y sommes : le temps est arrivé, mais il est trop tard pour agir car la Bête est là ! Que ceux qui ont encore un peu de religion catholique en prennent conscience. C'est pourquoi je suggère partout le Le CHAPELET quotidien, le seul remède qui nous reste. Toutes les autres tentatives qui seront faites pour contrer cette dictature antéchristique seront anéanties.